Bebeerine, Or Bebeeria

Bebeerine, Or Bebeeria, an alkaloid, having the formula C38H22NO6, obtained from the be-beern bark or bark of nectandra Rodiei This tree belongs to the family laiiraccce, and inhabits Guiana and neighboring regions of South America. The alkaloid is also found in the huxus sempervirens or common box. The impure sulphate, which is commonly used, occurs in small dark brown translucent scales. It is supposed to resemble quinia in its properties, and has been used in the same class of diseases. In antiperiodic power it probably ranks among the vegetable bitters as next, though far infe-rior to quinia.

Bebtrand De Born

Bebtrand De Born. See Born.


Beccafico (Ital., fig-pecker), the sykia hor-tensis, a singing bird which feeds upon insects, figs, currants, and other fruits. It belongs to the order of sylviadce (warblers), and is found in some English and even Scotch counties, but chiefly in southern Europe. It has a voice like a nightingale, lurks shyly in the thickest foliage, and flies with singular grace. It was eaten with much delight by the ancient Romans, and still is one of the most delectable morceaux on Italian, Grecian, and French tables, especially in Venice. An annual feast made on beccaficos is called oeccaficata. The term beccafico is applied in continental Europe, rather indiscriminately, to different kinds of sylvan warblers, when they are fat and in condition for the table.

Beccafico (Oriolus galbiila).

Beccafico (Oriolus galbiila).

Beccafumi, Or Mecherino, Domenico

Beccafumi, Or Mecherino, Domenico, an Italian artist, born at Siena in 1484, died in Genoa, March 18,1549, or according to Lanzi after 1551. He began life as a shepherd, amusing himself in drawing figures of his flock upon the sand. Beccafumi, a patron of art, was struck by his talent, and attended to his education; and he adopted the name of his benefactor, though he occasionally used his real name of Mecherino. He studied in Venice and Rome, and on his return to Siena he executed bronze statues and bass reliefs. His most celebrated work is the mosaic pavement of the Siena cathedral.

Beck, Or Bcek, David

Beck, Or Bcek, David, a Dutch portrait painter, one of the ablest pupils of Vandvke, born in 1621, died at the Hague in 1656. He painted with so much rapidity, that Charles I. of England exclaimed, "Faith, Beck, I believe you could paint riding post." Queen Christina of Sweden employed him in painting the portraits of European sovereigns, and chiefly her own portrait. He travelled extensively, and while sick in Germany he was thought dead and prepared for the grave, but revived and was gradually restored to life. His subsequent death was ascribed to poison.


Becse. I. Old (Hung. o-Becse), a market borough of S. Hungary, in the county of Bacs, on the right bank of the Theiss, 25 m. N. N. E. of Neusatz; pop. in 1870, 14,058. It carries on a considerable trade in corn. II. New (Uj-Besce), a market borough and steamboat station in the county of Torontal, on the left bank of the Theiss, about 4 1/2 m. E. of the preceding; pop. in 1870, 7,193, and with the immediately adjoining village of Franypva, 14,423. It is one of the greatest corn markets in the Aus-tro-Hungarian monarchy.