
Dendrobium, a genus of epiphytes or parasitical plants, found chiefly in the damp tropical parts of Asia, and belonging to an order remarkable for the grotesqueness as well as beauty of its flowers. The species number more than 200, and vary from a very small plant to a very tall one. In some instances they affect dry and open places on the bark of trees in Australia, and even on bare rocks exposed to the sun. Dr. Royle found D. alpestre on the Himalaya mountains, at an elevation of 7,500 ft. The flowers of most species are of some shade of purple; some are of a rich yellow, and a few are green. They possess a high fragrance. In cultivation they thrive best when planted in pots filled with earth, but require an artificially elevated temperature to insure success.


Denizli, a town of Asia Minor, on the main road between Smyrna and Isbarta, 110 m. S. E. of the former and 70 m. W. of the latter place; lat. 37° 50' N., Ion. 29° 15' E.; pop. about 7,000. The town, which is situated not far from the base of the Baba Dagh (the ancient Mount Cadmus, on the confines of Caria and Phrygia), in a well wooded country, has been called the Damascus of Anatolia on account of the beauty of its surroundings. There are many villas in its environs, and the hills are covered with vineyards. Within the town are two khans, a bazaar, and numerous tanneries. The chief manufactures are red and yellow leather and morocco, made from sheep and goat skins, raisins, and a kind of grape sirup which is used instead of sugar. Denizli is the capital of a sanjak in the vilayet of Aidin. In 1715 it was destroyed by an earthquake, in which 12,000 people perished. About 5 m. N. is the town of Eski Hissar, with the ruins of ancient Laodicea.


Dennis, a town of Barnstable co., Mass., on Cape Cod, about 65 m. S. E. of Boston; pop. in 1870, 3,269. It extends entirely across the peninsula, here 8 m. wide, and is separated from Yarmouth by Bass river. It contains a number of churches and schools. Most of the inhabitants are engaged in commerce, ship building, and fishing. About 50 vessels are annually employed in cod and mackerel fishing, and 80 or 90 in the coasting trade. The Cape Cod railroad passes through the town.


Dent, a S. E. county of Missouri; area, about 750 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 6,357, of whom 31 were colored. The soil is fertile and the surface much diversified. Current river and several smaller streams have their sources here. The chief productions in 1870 were 55,024 bushels of wheat, 215,693 of Indian corn, 53,-042 of oats, 16,539 of potatoes, 988 tons of hay, 58,588 lbs. of butter, and 26,770 of tobacco. There were 1,241 horses, 1,547 milch cows, 3,426 other cattle, 6,861 sheep, and 11,230 swine. Capital, Salem.


Denton, a N. E. county of Texas, drained by two forks of Trinity river, and occupied partly by prairies and partly by vast forests called the Cross Timbers; area 900 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 7,251, of whom 500 were colored. The chief productions in 1870 were 18,216 bushels of wheat, 173,510 of Indian corn, 41,060 of oats, 11,826 of sweet potatoes, and 674 bales of cotton. There were 6,195 horses, 2,863 milch cows, 35,220 other cattle, 5,331 sheep, and 10,200 swine. Capital, Denton.