
Kelung, a town of the Chinese empire, in the N. part of the island of Formosa, situated near the head of the harbor, and important only for the trade carried on with other Chinese ports, chiefly in rice, camphor, and tea. Coal, which is found in the neighborhood, was exported in 1870-'71 to the extent of $500,000, chiefly to Shanghai. Kelung and Tanshui, or Tamsui, are the N. ports of the Chinese portion of the island which have been opened to foreign trade. There is also an island of Kelung, important as a landmark to the harbor, consisting of a mass of black rock 600 ft. high.


Kemper, an E. county of Mississippi, bordering on Alabama, and drained by affluents of the Tombigbee and other streams; area, 750 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 12,920, of whom 7,214 were colored. The soil is mostly fertile. The Mobile and Ohio railroad and its Gainesville branch pass through it. The chief productions in 1870 were 218,350 bushels of Indian corn, 30,995 of sweet potatoes, 64,010 lbs. of butter, and 4,964 bales of cotton. There were 1,140 horses, 902 mules and asses, 2,118 milch cows, 4,475 other cattle, 3,174 sheep, and 10,316 swine. Capital, De Kalb.


Kempten, a town of Bavaria, in the district of Swabia and Neuburg, on the Iller, 64 m. S. W. of Munich; pop. in 1871, 10,982. It consists of the Lutheran Altstadt, which is situated in a valley and was formerly a free imperial town, and the Catholic Neustadt, on a hill. It has a castle, a gymnasium, a Latin school, an agricultural and an industrial school, and manufactories of paper and cotton.

Kendal, Or Kirkby-Kendal

Kendal, Or Kirkby-Kendal, a market town and parliamentary borough of Westmoreland, England, 40 m. S. of Carlisle, situated in a pleasant valley on the E. bank of the Ken; pop. in 1871, 13,442. Queen Catharine Parr was born here. Kendal is an important manufacturing town, and one of the oldest in the kingdom, the woollen manufacture having been established there by Flemish weavers, on the invitation of Edward III., in the 14th century. Its green cloth seems to have been celebrated in the time of Shakespeare. On an eminence E. of the town is the ruined castle of the ancient barons of Kendal.

Keneh, Or Gheneh

Keneh, Or Gheneh (anc. Coenopolis), a city of Upper Egypt, on the right bank of the Nile, 33 in. N. of the ruins of Thebes; pop. about 10,000. It is an emporium of trade with the Arabian coast, and manufactures famous water jars and bottles.

Kenyon College

See Gambier.

Kerguelen, Or Desolation Island

Kerguelen, Or Desolation Island, an uninhabited island of the Indian ocean, in about lat. 49° S., Ion. 70° E., about 100 m. long and 50 m. wide. It contains many bays and inlets, the most important being Christmas harbor, shaped like a horseshoe and with steep rocks rising in a series of terraces to a height of 1,000 ft. This harbor is at the N. extremity of the island, where the soil is entirely volcanic, and the mountains toward the N. E. and S. W. are from 500 to 2,500 ft. high. Sea fowl abound, but seals, once numerous, have disappeared, and there are no land animals. There is scarcely any vegetation. The British exploring vessel Challenger endeavored in vain to effect a landing here in 1874. Kerguelen was selected in that year as one of the American and British stations for the observation of the transit of Venus.