Little River

Little River, a S. W. county of Arkansas, bordering on Texas and the Indian territory; area, about 500 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 3,236, of whom 1,878 were colored. It lies between Little and Red rivers. The surface is diversified and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 were 136,500 bushels of Indian corn and 4,966 bales of cotton. There were 892 horses, 598 mules and asses, 2,853 milch cows, 1,177 other cattle, and 4,899 swine. Capital, Rocky Comfort.

Little Sisters Of The Poor

See Sisterhoods.

Liu Kiu

See Loo Choo.


See Luitprand.

Livadia, Or Lcvadia

Livadia, Or Lcvadia, (Anc. Lebadea), a town of Greece, capital of an eparchy of the same name in the nomarchy of Attica and Bceotia, situated on the Hercyna, 52 m. N. W. of Athens; pop. about 5,000. It was formerly the most flourishing town of northern Greece, and was the capital of the Turkish province of Li-vadia, which included all of modern Greece N. of the isthmus of Corinth; but it was nearly destroyed during the war of independence. It was famous in antiquity as the site of the cave of Trophonius and of the springs of Lethe and Mnemosyne. Cotton is raised in the surrounding country, and there are several cotton gins in the town, imported from England.

Live Oak

Live Oak, a S. county of Texas, intersected by the Rio Nueces; area, 1,200 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 852, of whom 28 were colored. There is considerable tillable land in the valleys of the streams, but it is best adapted to stock raising. Rains are infrequent in summer. In 1870 there were 5,010 horses, 611 milch cows, 62,177 other cattle, 5,204 sheep, and 681 swine. Capital, Oakville.


See Guild.


See Franc.


Llanelly, a parliamentary borough and seaport of Wales, on the river Burry, in the county and 14 m. S. by E. of the city of Carmarthen; pop. in 1871, 15,281. The town is on the railway from Carmarthen to Swansea, and is connected with several other lines, and there is a canal to Kidwelly, 8 m. N. W. Llanelly is irregularly built, but is well paved and has gas and water works. It has a parish church, several dissenting chapels, and a large prison. It is the emporium of a great mining district, which produces iron, copper, lead, silver, and especially coal. It contains copper and iron founderies and a pottery, and has four large docks from which enormous quantities of coal are shipped to foreign ports. In 1871 the entrances were 1,912 vessels, tonnage 102,127; the clearances 018 vessels, tonnage 75,701.


Llano, a central county of Texas, bounded E. by the Colorado river, and intersected by Rio Llano; area, 900 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 1,379, of whom 18 were colored. Iron ore is abundant, and gold and silver have been found. The county is subject to droughts, and farming is not much pursued, grazing and the raising of swine being the principal pursuits of the inhabitants. The chief productions in 1870 were 23,504 bushels of Indian corn and 12,179 lbs. of wool. There were 443 horses, 1,687 milch cows, 18,360 other cattle, 4,608 sheep, and 0,798 swine. Capital, Llano.