Stag Hound

See Hound.


Stagira, previously Stagirus, an ancient town of Macedonia, in Chalcidice, on the Strymonic gulf. It was founded by a colony from An-dros in the middle of the 7th century B. C, and was originally named Orthagoria. It was destroyed and rebuilt by Philip, the father of Alexander. It is chiefly known as the birthplace of Aristotle.


See Cos.

Stanislas Bouflers

Stanislas Bouflers, marquis de, first known as the abbe, then as the chevalier de Bouflers, born at Luneville in 1737, died in Paris, Jan. 18, 1815. His mother, who died in 1787, was one of the celebrities of the court of Stanislas Leszczynski, at Luneville. His wit and elegant manners and his poetical talents rendered him a favorite at the court of Louis XV. He was a member of the constituent assembly (1789), and afterward went to Berlin, where he received from the king a grant of lands in Prussian Poland, to establish a French colony; but the plan failed. He married Mme. de Sabran and returned to France in 1300, and in 1804 was admitted to the French academy. He was a fervent eulogist of Napoleon, and was ridiculed for his extravagant praise of Jerome Bonaparte. The best collection of his works is that of 1828, in 2 vols., including his excellent " Letters from Switzerland".


Stanislaus, a central county of California, bounded N. in part by the Stanislaus river, and intersected by the San Joaquin and Tuolumne; area. 1,350 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 6,499, of whom 306 were Chinese. It is for the most part level, but the E. portion is undulating, while a strip a few miles wide on the W. border rises into the Coast range, which here has a general altitude of about 2,000 ft. There is little timber. The soil is very productive. Cold mining is carried on to some extent in the E. part. It is traversed by the Visalia division of the Central Pacific railroad. The chief productions in 1870 were 1,650,725 bushels of wheat, 15,700 of Indian corn, 632,950 of barley. 749,263 lbs. of wool, 52,625 of butter, and 15,191 tons of hay. There were 10,-137 horses, 1,139 mules and asses, 2,271 milch cows, 4,316 other cattle, 118,460 sheep, and 14,593 swine. Capital, Modesto.


See Cos.

Stanley Leathes

Stanley Leathes, an English theologian, born at Ellesborough, Buckinghamshire, March 21, 1830. He was educated at Jesus college, Cambridge, ordained in 1856, and. successively curate of St. Martin's, Salisbury, St. Luke's, Berwick street, London, and St. James's, Westminster. In 1863 he was called to King's college, London, as professor of Hebrew; and in 1869 he became minister of St. Philip's, London. He has published able defences of Christian orthodoxy, including "The Witness of St. John to Christ." Several of his apologetics were originally delivered from 1868 to 1870 as Boyle lectures at Whitehall, and in 1873 as Hulsean lectures at Cambridge. In 1874 he held the appointment of Bampton lecturer at Oxford, an honor never before accorded by Oxford to a Cambridge graduate. He is a member of the Anglican revision company of the Old Testament. In the conference of the evangelical alliance in New York in 1873 he was prominent.