This section is from "The American Cyclopaedia", by George Ripley And Charles A. Dana. Also available from Amazon: The New American Cyclopędia. 16 volumes complete..
See Richard II.
Watauga, a N. W. county of North Carolina, bordering on Tennessee, and drained by the New and Watauga rivers; area, 550 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 5,287, of whom 226 were colored. The surface is generally mountainous; the Alleghanies form the E. boundary, Iron mountain extends along the W. border, and Yellowstone mountain occupies the S. part. The soil of the valleys is very fertile. Iron ore is found. The chief productions in 1870 were 6,160 bushels of wheat, 17,317 of rye, 75,944 of Indian corn, 18,724 of oats, 11,381 of potatoes, 50,598 lbs. of butter, 13,850 of wool, and 1,538 tons of hay. There were 812 horses, 5,088 cattle, 7,039 sheep, and 6,607 swine. Capital, Boone.
See Clocks and Watches.
See Rice, Indian.
See Hydraulic Ram.
See Hydeaulio Ram.
Water Rat, Or Beaver Rat, the common name of the hydromys chrysogaster of Tasmania. It comes near the size and habits, being an excellent swimmer and diver, shy, and nocturnal in habit; it lives in banks bordering both salt and fresh water, and has the habit of supporting itself on the hind legs and thick tail, while it conveys its food to the mouth by the fore limbs. It is of a dark rich brown color above, and golden yellow below; basal half of tail black, the rest white. The total length is about 2 ft., of which the tail is half.
Cochrane's Water Meter.
Water Spout, a diminutive whirlwind, lasting from a few seconds to an hour, and reaching down from the under surface of a cloud to or nearly to the surface of the earth. In the centre of this whirlwind appears a slender column of water or dense vapor, constituting the water spout proper. This column often descends but a short distance, like a pouch, but in its complete stage it reaches to within from 10 to 50 ft. of the earth or sea, and is accompanied by a cloud of whirling dust or spray raised from the ground or sea. The column is probably hollow, and the air whirling around it is sometimes an ascending, but more frequently a descending current; the latter apparently is especially the case in the "cloud bursts" that occasionally desolate limited regions. - For the theory of water spouts see Whirlwind, and the memoir by Faye in the Annuaire du bureau des longitudes (Paris, 1874).
See Wheel.
Wateree, a river of South Carolina, formed by the junction of the Catawba river and Fishing creek, the former rising in North Carolina, and the latter in York co., S. C. The two streams unite in the S. E. part of Chester co., and the Wateree takes first a S. E. and then a S. course, and unites with the Congaree in the S. E. extremity of Richland co., the two forming the Santee. Steamboats ascend the Wateree to Camden, 200 m. from the sea.
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