This section is from "The American Cyclopaedia", by George Ripley And Charles A. Dana. Also available from Amazon: The New American Cyclopędia. 16 volumes complete..
Lalemant, a Parisian family, of which several members were prominent in the early French missions in Canada.
I. Charles, born Nov. 17, 1587, died in Paris, Nov. 18, 1674. He became a Jesuit in 1607, and in 1625 went to Canada, where he was superior of the missions. While going with ships to the relief of Quebec in 1629, he was wrecked near the mouth of the St. Lawrence, and narrowly escaped, some of his associates being drowned. He returned to Canada in 1634, after its restoration by England, when he took charge of the church of Notre Dame de Recouvrance in the lower town of Quebec, and opened the first school. After attending Champlain on his deathbed he returned to Europe in 1638, was rector of colleges at Rouen, La Fleche, and Paris, superior of the professed house, and vice provincial. Several of his letters have been printed: Copie de trois lettres escrittes is annee 1625 et 1626 (Albany, 1870, reprinted from Sagard and Martin); Lettre envoyee au P. Hierosme l'Al-lemant, ou sont contenus les mceurs, etc, des sauvages (Paris, 1627, and in the Mercure Francais, 1626; both, Albany, 1870); Lettre envoyee de Bordeaux, describing his shipwreck, published in Champlain (Paris, 1632; Albany, 1870).
II. Jerome, brother of the preceding, born in 1593, died in Quebec, Jan. 26, 1673. He entered the Jesuit order in 1609, and went to Canada in June, 1638, having been rector of several colleges in France. He was on the Huron mission till 1645, and was superior of all the missions in Canada from 1644 to 1650; made two voyages to France, where for a time he was rector of the college of La Fleche, but returned again in 1659 with Bishop Laval as superior of the missions, having been recommended to the king by the Canada company for the bishopric. He is the author of five of the "Jesuit Relations " of the Huron missions, and of six of the general volumes, for the years 1645-'8 and 1661-'4. HI. Gabriel, nephew of the preceding, born Oct. 30, 1G10, killed March 17, 1649. He also entered the society of Jesus (1G30), went to Canada in September, 1646, and was sent to the Huron mission. In the overthrow of that nation by the Iroquois he fell into the hands of the savages, and with Father Brebceuf was put to death with exquisite torture, prolonged for many hours.
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