In 1869 there entered the principal ports 1,337 sailing vessels, with an aggregate of 401,070 tons, and 1,158 steamers; and there cleared 970 sailing vessels, with a total of 308,325 tons, and 1,158 steamers. - The highways of the republic are, with few exceptions, as nature made them, consisting merely of a beaten track across the pampas. There are four lines of railway in the province of Buenos Ayres. In Entre-Rios there is also easy communication by river steamboats; but in the interior of Corrientes travelling is done exclusively on horseback. There are now (1872) six railway lines opened for traffic, four of which diverge from the capital of the republic in different directions; the remaining two are from Rosario to Cordoba, and from Gualeguay to Puerto Ruiz. Besides these, there are two railways in course of construction, and five others projected. Along the lines already opened, new farms have been established, immense quantities of wheat sown tor exportation, and the shipment of wool has so increased as at times to task the carrying power of the railways. In September, 1871, there were 1,230 m. of telegraph open, and over 2,630 m. in process of construction.

A submarine cable has been laid between Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, and an important line is projected to unite the capitals of Chili and of the Plate provinces. - The Maua bank was the first private bank established in Buenos Ayres (1858); the London and River Plate bank, established in 1863, does a largo and remunerative business. The Argentine bank is of more recent date. - The business of the post office department has greatly increased in a few years; the number of letters passing through the Buenos Ayres post office in 1859 was but 400,000; in 1865 it amounted to 2,000,000. - The constitution of the Argentine Republic bears date May 15, 1853. The executive power resides in a president elected for six years by the representatives of the 14 provinces, 133 in number. The legislative authority is vested in a national congress, consisting of a senate numbering 28, two from each province, and a house of deputies, of 54 members. The vice president, elected in the same manner and at the same time as the president, is chairman of the senate, but has otherwise no political power. The president is commander-in-chief of the army, and appoints to all civil, military, and judicial offices; but he and his ministers are responsible for their acts, and liable to impeachment.

There are five ministerial departments: interior, foreign affairs, finance, war and marine, and education and public worship. The governors of the provinces are elected by the people for a term of three years. The army of the republic consists, exclusive of the militia and national guard of Buenos Ayres (numbering 19.867 men), of 6,482 men - 2,909 infantry, 2,861 horse, and 712 artillery; there are 29 generals, 273 commandants, and 632 subaltern officers. The militia and national guard may be called out in time of war. The navy comprises seven vessels of war, one of which mounts 12 guns. The public revenue is mainly derived from customs duties, which average 25 per cent, on imports and 10 per cent. on exports. The national expenditure is made up chiefly of the cost of the army and navy, and the interest of the public debt. The expenditure was considerably increased from 1867 to 1870, owing to the war with Paraguay. The official estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 1869-'70, presented to the national congress, were as follows:


Import duties.................................................................


Additional 5 per cent. (war)....................


Export duties...................................................................


Additional 2 per cent. (war)...........................................




Stamp duty....................................................................


Post office......................................................................


Interest on 17.000 shares of Argentine Central railway, at 7 per cent...............................................







Ministry of the Interior..................................................



Foreign Affairs...........................................






Public Instruction......................................







.The budget for 1870-71, voted by the national congress, showed an estimated revenue of $15,800,000, and an estimated expenditure of $10,000,000, leaving a deficit of $200,000. The public debt, divided into an external and an internal debt, was as follows at the end of October, 1871:


Old Buenos Ayres debt, 6 per cent. stock........


" " " " 3 " " ...................................


Loan authorized by act of congress May 27, 1805,


" " " " October, 1870,


Total external debt..............................................



Consolidated 6 per cent. Argentine stock........


Buenos Ayres public stock in paper currency___


Parana debt, l858, including interest............


Obligations to foreign creditors.....................................


Loan from Brazilian government, 1851...........


" " " " 1865-'66.......................


" authorized by congress October, 1869................


Total internal debt...............................................


Total debt..............................


The greater part of the foreign loan of 1865 was issued in 1868, to the amount of £1,950,-000, at the price of 72 1/2 for 100, by Messrs. Baring Brothers of London. It is at 6 per cent. interest, and payable in 21 years. The loan of 1870, amounting to £6,122,400, granted by congress for the construction of railways and other public works, was issued at the London exchange in April, 1871, at the price of 88 1/2, to be redeemed by an accumulated sinking fund of 2 1/2 per cent. Besides the liabilities above mentioned, there is a floating debt in treasury bills to an unknown amount. Each of the 14 provinces has a revenue of its own, derived from local taxes. The liabilities of all the provinces, except Buenos Ayres, the annual expenditure of which is about $2,000,000, are internal. That province contracted in June, 1870, a loan in England of £1,034,700, issued at 88, with 6 per cent. interest, to be redeemed at par in 33 years. In 1866 treasury notes were issued, bearing interest, for payment of government dues, and to be received in payment of customs duties.

They represent silver dollars, and are of the denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. - Much has been done of late years for the advancement of education, and in the chief towns it is better than in most parts of South America. There are at present 142 municipal and state schools in the province and city of Buenos Ayres, besides a large number of denominational and other private and Sunday schools in that, and a proportionate number in the other provinces. The capital and Cordoba have each a university, and Buenos Ayres and Corrientes have each a colegio national, the studies in which embrace the usual classic and scientific courses, besides modern languages, and degrees are conferred in theology, law, and medicine. New colleges are being founded in Entre-Rios; and normal schools will shortly be established in all the provinces. About 90,000 children attended school in the whole republic in 1871, and there were 1,884 students in the national colleges. There are extensive libraries, chief among which is the biblioteca nacional, founded in 1870 under the auspices of President Sarmiento. - The predominant religion is Roman Catholic; but all others are tolerated, and the ministers of some other denominations are paid by the government.