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Bepler's Handy Manual of Knowledge And Useful Infomation

In issuing this volume the author aims to produce, in a clear and practical manner, a book of useful information for persons in all walks of life, and especially for those whose time is limited. Often when seeking such information as is here presented in a handy form valuable time is wasted looking through books, papers, etc. The public will at once see the advantage of having before them, arranged under proper heads and compiled from authentic sources with the strictest accuracy, data such as tables of weights, measures, etc., important events, and in fact a vast storehouse of general and practical information.

TitleBepler's Handy Manual of Knowledge And Useful Infomation
AuthorDavid Bepler
PublisherThe Bancroft Company
Copyright1890, David Bepler<
AmazonBepler's Handy Manual of Knowledge and Useful Information
Book Cover
In issuing this volume the author aims to produce, in a clear and practical manner, a book of useful information for persons in all walks of life, and especially for those whose time is limited. Often...
-Greatest Men of History, Classified in Groups
Poetry Homer, Pindar, AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Menander, Luceritius, Virgil, Dante, Rabelais, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Milton, Scott, Moliere, Goethe, Burns, Longfellow. Art...
-Marvels of Nature and Art
Highest Mountain in the World The loftiest mountain is Mount Everest of the Himalaya Range, having an elevation of 20,002 feet above the sea level. Highest Mountain Range in the World The hig...
-Marvels of Nature and Art. Continued
The Largest University of the World The largest University is Oxford University, at Oxford, England. It consists of 21 colleges and 5 halls. Oxford was a seat of learning as early as the time o...
-Average Weight Of An American Man And Woman
Average weight of an American man is 141 1/2 pounds, and an American woman is 124.1/2 pounds. ...
-Glossary Of Some California Names
San is masculine for Saint or Holy, and Santa is feminine. Alameda (al-a-ma'-da). Grove of elms. Alcatraz (al-ka-traz'). Pelican or seafish. Almaden (al-ma-dan'). the mine (Arabic). Alvara...
-Weights And Measures
Metric System Metric System of weights and measures permissible. By an Act of Congress, approved in July, 1866, the use of the weights and measures of the metric system is made permissible; and contra...
-Standard Measures And Weights
Long Measure 48 hairbreadth equal 1 inch. 3 barleycorns equal 1 inch. 12 lines equal 1 inch. 12 inches equal 1 foot, ft. 3 feet equal 1 yard, yd. 5 1/2 yds equal 1 rod, perch or pole...
-Avoirdupois Weight
16 drams equal 1 ounce, oz. 16 ounces 1 pound, lb. 28 lbs. (old) ...
-Liquid Or Wine Measure
4 gills equal 1 pint, pt. 2 pints 1 quart, qt. 4 quarts 1 gallon...
-Dry Measure
2 pints equal 1 quart, qt. 4 quarts 1 gallon, gal. 2 gallons, 1 ...
-Shipping Measurement
Register ton. For register tonnage or for measurement of the entire internal capacity of a vessel: 100 cubic feet equal 1 register ton This number is arbitrarily assumed to facilitate computation. ...
-Surveyor's Square Measure
625 square links equal 1 square rod, sq. rd. 16 rods 1 chain, sq. ch. 10 u chains ...
-Measure Of Time
60 seconds, sec. equal 1 minute, min. 60 minutes equal 1 hour, hr. 24 hours ...
-Circular Measure
60 seconds equal 1 minute '. 60 minutes 1 degree . 30 degrees 1 sign .s. ...
-English Wine Measure
18 U. S. gallons - equal 1 runlet. 25 English gallons 42 U. S. gallons 1 tierce. 7 1/2 E...
-Number of English or United States yards in Miles of Different Nations
Name Yards Arabian...................2,148 Bohemian................10,187 Brebant..................6,082 Burgundy............... 6,183 Chinese (His)............. 682 Dutch (Ure)........
-Table of Miscellaneous Weights
14 pounds equal 1 stone (horseman's weight). 56 pounds 1 firkin of butter. 64 pounds ...
-Number of Pounds to Bushel
Recognized by the Laws of the United States. Wheat..............................60 Shelled corn. ...................56 Corn in Ear....................70 Rye............................56 ...
-Standard Weight of United States Coins
(Gold.) $20 equals 516 grains. $10 258 grains. $5 129 grains. $3...
-English or Great Britain Currency Value in U. S. Gold Coin
4 farthings qr. equal 1 penny ct. $0.02. 4 pence 1 groat 0.08. 12 pence ...
-Roman Money
Roman money mentioned in the New Testament reduced to United States and English Standard. £. s. d. far. $ cents. ...
-American Proverbs and Maxims
A game is never won until its ended. A fair exchange is no robbery. A burnt child avoids the fire. A shoemaker should stick to his last. A bad oath is better broken than kept. A stitch ...
-The Origin Of The Names Of The Months
January. - The Roman Janus presided over the beginning of everything; so the first month was named after him. February. - The Roman festival Februs was held on the fifteenth day of this month, in h...
-Emblematic Names Of States Of The U. S
State Name ........... Arkansas ...................... California ................ Colorado ................ Connecticut ........... Delaware ............. Florida .............. Georgia ................
-Fictitious Names Of Cities Of U. S
City Name. Baltimore............... Boston ................. Brooklyn, N. Y. ....... Buffalo ................... Chicago ................. Cincinnati .............. Cleveland .............. Detroit...
-National Flower Of Different Nations
STATE EMBLEM STATE EMBLEM Athens Violet Italy Lily Canada Sugar Maple ...
-Time Required For Digesting Food
Name of Food How Cooked Hrs. Min. Apples, sweet Boiled 2.30 Apples, sweet, mellow Raw ...
-Currency Of Different Commercial Nations
Argentine Confederation 100 centesimos equal - 1 dollar or patacon, equal $1.00 17 patacons equal 1 doubloon Austria 100 kreutzers equal 1 florin, equal $0.47 British India 12 pies equal -...
-Great Wonders In America
Croton Aqueduct, in New York City. City Park, Philadelphia, Penn., the largest public park in the world. Lake Superior, the largest lake in the world. Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky. Niagara Fa...
-Chemical Substances - Their Common Names
Common Name Ammonia Aqua Fortis Aqua Regia Blue Vitriol Cream of Tartar Calomel Chalk Caustic Potassa Chloroform Common Salt Copperas or Green Vitriol Corrosive Sublimate...
-Antidotes And Treatment For Poisons
Immediately on discovering that poison has been swallowed, send for a physician with all possible haste. Until his arrival, the treat ment should either be with a view to removing the poison by an eme...
-Words Of Wisdom For The People
If you would know what a dollar is worth, try to borrow one. When the dog is down, everyone is ready to bite him. Ask thy purse what thou shoulds't buy. A good example is the best sermon. A silent man...
-Liberty Bell
In a room on the ground floor of the old State House, Philadelphia, is the old bell that rang out, in conjunction with human voices, the joyful tidings of the Declaration of Independence, in July, 177...
-Railway Signal Code
One whistle signifies down brakes. Two whistles signify oft brakes. Three whistles signify back up. Continued whistles signify danger, Rapid short whistles a cattle alarm. A sweeping parting...
-Time On Shipboard, Divided Into Three Watches
First watch, 1 bell, 12:30 o'clock; 2 bells, 1:00; 3 bells, 1:30; 4 bells, 2:00; 5 bells, 2:30; 6 bells, 3:00; 7 bells, 3:30; 8 bells, 4:00. Second Watch, 1 bell, 4:30; 2 bells, 5:00; 3 bells, 5:30...
-States And Territories, Capitals, Term Of Office And Salaries Of Governors
State Capital Yearly Salary Term of Office Alabama Montgomery $3,000 Two Years Arizo...
-Kings And Queens Of England
Name Saxons and Danes Ace. I). Rgd. Egbert ............................ First King of all England. .. ....
-What Royalty Costs England
As a sample of what royalty costs the people of Great Britain alone Whitaker gives the following annuities to the Royal family : Her Majesty, privy purse.....................£ 6O,000 Salaries of...
-The British House Of Commons
The House of Commons dates since Edward II and is called the lower House. The English House of Commons, at the time of the union with Scotland in 1707, consisted of 513 members; 45 were then added for...
-French Dynasties And Sovereigns
The Merovingians Clovis, The Hairy, King of the Salic Franks.................428 Childeric III., last of the race...................................... 737 The Carlvovingians Repin, T...
-Largest Deposit of Anthracite Coal
The largest deposit of anthracite coal in the world is in Pennsylvania. ...
-Seven Wonders Of The World
A name given to seven very remarkable objects of ancient times. The Pyramids of Egypt; Second, the Pharos or Watch Tower at Alexandria, Egypt, built by order of Philadelphus about 280 B. C.: it was bu...
-Decisive Battles Of The World
The Battle of Marathon, B. C. 490, in which the Athenians, under Miltiades, defeated the Persians under Datis. The Battle of Syracuse, B. C. 413, in which the Athenians were defeated by the Syracus...
-Notable Bridges Of The World
Brooklyn Bridge was commenced under the directions of J. Roebling in 1870 and completed in about thirteen years. It is 3,475 feet long and 135 feet wide. The cost was nearly $15,000,000. The Cantil...
-Average Velocity Of Bodies
Bodies per hour per second A man walks 3 miles or 4 feet A horse trots 7 10 ...
-Mason And Dixon's Line
A name given to the southern boundary line of the Free State of Pennsylvania which formerly separated it from the Slave States of Maryland and Virginia. It was run - with the exception of about twenty...
-The Oldest Newspaper In The World
The oldest newspaper in the world is the Imperial Gazette, published in the Chinese language at Pekin, China. In August, 1882, its proprietors celebrated the 1,500th anniversary of its publication. ...
-Duties Of The Engineer
(About the boiler) Water. - Before lighting fire, fill the boiler until water runs'out of the lower gauge-cock and be careful, too, that the boiler is not full. Stationary boilers are usually fille...
-Mechanical Horse-Power
A mechanical horse power is 33,000 pounds elevated one foot per minute, and is equal to elevating 3,957 gallons of water one foot per minute. Animal-Power Animal-Power ; working eight hours per...
-Rules For Calculating Speed Of Pulleys
1. The diameter of the driver and driven being given, to find the number of revolutions of the driven: Rule. - Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions and divide the produc...
Leather belts must be well protected against water, and even moisture. India-rubber is the proper substance for belts exposed to the weather, as it does not absorb moisture, and stretch and decay. ...
-Weight Of Liquids Per Gallon
1 Gallon Pounds Ale ................. 8.33 Acid, Nitric...........10.58 Acid, Sulphuric........15.42 Acid, Muriatic.........10. Alcohol, Commerce..... 6.74 Alcohol, Proof Spirit. .. ...
-Facts For Builders
1,000 shingles laid 4 inches to the weather will cover 100 square feet of surface, and 5 pounds of shingle nails will fasten them on. One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of...
-Value Of A Ton Of Gold Or Silver
A ton of pure gold is worth $602,799.21. $1,000,000 gold coin weighs 3,685.8 pounds. A ton of silver is worth $37,704.84. $1,000,000 silver coin weighs 58,929.9 pounds. ...
-Hints To Painter, Glazier And Paper-Hanger
One pound of paint will cover about four superficial yards the first coat and about six yards each additional coat. About one pound of putty for stopping, will be required for every twenty yards. ...
-Table Of Approximate Numbers In Decimals For Circles, Spheres, Squares, Cubes, Etc
Diameter of a circle multiplied by 3.1416 equals circumference. Radius of a circle multiplied by 6.283185 equals circumference. Square of the radius of a circle multiplied by 3.1416 equals area. Squar...
-Degrees Of Heat And Cold Required To Freeze, Melt, And Boil The Following Substances
Air furnace melts.....................3300 above zero. Antimony melts........................ 950 Bismuth melts......................... 476 Brass melts..... . ,...................1900 C...
-Weight Of A Cubic Foot Of Earth, Stone, Metal, Wood, Etc
Avoirdupois Article Pounds Air (at the sea level).......07529 Alum...................... ....107 Asbestos (starry).............192 Bismuth (cast)...............613 Bronze..................
-Common Mining Terms (Dictionary)
Adit. - A level; a horizontal drift or passage from the surface into a mine. Alluvium. - A deposit of loose gravel between the superficial covering of vegetable mold and subjacent rocks. Amalgam...
-Distances Sound May Be Heard
Human Voice....................................... Rifle Shot........................................... Military Band Playing......................... ...... Cannon ............................
-Strength Of Ice Of Various Thicknesses
Ice two inches thick will bear men or infantry to walk on. Ice four inches thick will bear cavalry or light guns. Ice six inches thick will bear teams with moderate load or heavy field guns. ...
-Dates Of Dignities
The first English Duke was Edward, the Black Prince; he was created Duke of Cornwall by his father, Edward III, in 1337. The title Marquis was first bestowed by Richard II on his favorite, Robert d...
-Inventions And Discoveries
Accordeon - Invented by Damian, a Viennese, a. d. 1829. Actinometer - Invented by Sir John Herschel, A. d. 1825. AEolian Harp - Invented by Athanasius Kircher (German), a.d. 1653. Air Brakes ...
-Inventions And Discoveries. Continued
Gas (Illuminating) - Made by Dr. Clayton about A. D. 1735. Gas Meter - Invented by Mr. Clegg, a. d. 1815. Geography - Known first as a study to the Romans. Geometry - Origin ascribed to the E...
-Dictionary Of Abbreviations
Dictionary Of Abbreviations: A A. or @. At or to A. B. Bachelor of Arts Abbr. Abbreviated A. C. Before Christ (Ante Christum) Acct. Account A. D. (Anno Domini). In the year of our Lo...
-Dictionary Of Abbreviations. Continued
Dictionary Of Abbreviations: M M. Noon, Meridian M. or Mons. Sir, Monsieur Mac. or Mace. Maccabees Maj. Major Mar. March Masc. Masculine Matt. Matthew M. D. Doctor of Medicin...
-Value Of Diamonds
Diamonds averaging one-half carat each, $60 per carat; diamonds averaging three-quarters carat each, $80 per carat; diamonds averaging one carat each, $100 per carat; diamonds averaging one and one-qu...
-Baseball Plates Distances
The distance from the home-plate to the pitcher's position is 50 feet, so that must be the distance the ball is pitched. The distance from the home-plate to the first base is 90 feet, and 127 feet 4 i...
The most remarkable were : Thomas Parr, died after a dinner party, in his 152d year. The Countess of Desmond, killed by falling from a cherry-tree, in her 146 th year. John Riva of Venice, wh...
-Weight Of Large Bells Of The World
Kremlin, Moscow, Russia...........................443,772 pounds St. Ivan's, Moscow, Russia..........................127,830 Vienna, Austria................................... 40,200 Olmu...
-How To Prove That The Earth Does Move
A simple and convincing mode of proving the assertion. It has puzzled the heads of a good many people to known how the earth turns round. A German educational journal published in Frankfort gives the ...
-Two Natural Compasses
Allen Thompson, the old White Mountain guide, says: When I am in the woods I never use a compass, in fact, I don't need any. There are three sure ways that I have for finding out the points of the co...
-How To Make A Compass At Home
Get from a druggist a common pasteboard pill-box of about one and three-fourths inches in diameter. Cut in the lid a round hole an inch in diameter. Cover the hole on the inside with a piece of window...
-Abbreviations Used by Physicians in Prescriptions, Medical Books and Journals
ss. {Semissis). Half. iss (Sesqui). One and a half. A. aa. (ana, utrlusque). Of each. Abdom. Abdomen. Abs. Febr. {Absente febre). In the absence of fever. Ad. or Add {Adde or Addator). Add...
-How Human Life Is Spent
According to a French statistician, taking the mean of many accounts, a man of 50 years of age has slept 6,000 days, worked 6,500 days, walked 800 days, amused himself 4,000 days, was eating 1,500 day...
-The Smallest Steam Engine In The World
The smallest steam engine in the world was built by Mr. D. A. A. Buck (American). The engine, boiler, governor and pumps stand in a space of seven-sixteenths of an inch square, or the area of a gold d...
-The Smallest Locomotive In The World
A mechanic living in Jamestown, New York State, has constructed a perfect locomotive, which is said to be the smallest in the world. The engine is only eight and a quarter inches in length, with a ten...
-Jumbo, The Elephant
Jumbo, the famous elephant, was bought from a wandering band of Arabs - according to Sir Samuel Baker - when four years of age. Then was brought to the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France, from there he...
-General Councils
A. D. Jerusalem, against Judaizers.................................. 51 Aries, against the Donatists................................... 314 Nice, First OEcumenical Council..........................
-Lucky Stones
The stones sacred to the different months are: January..................Garnet February.............Amethyst March...............Bloodstone April..................Diamond May. ............
-Limit Of Perpetual Snow At The Equator
The limit of perpetual snow is 15,200 feet above the sea level at the Equator ...
-Highest Mountains In The World
Feet Miles Name High High *Mt. Hercules, New Guinea...........................32,787 6 1-5 Mt. Everest, India, Thibet............................29,002 5f Mt. Peterman, India, Thibet.........
-Rulers Of Germany
House of Charlemange Time of Reign Charles I, the Great, second son of Pepin............ 800-814 Louis I, the Pious, son of Charles ................. 814-840 Charles II, the Bald, son of Loui...
-Weight Of The Earth
It has been estimated that the average weight of the material of the earth is 354 pounds to the cubic foot. In the earth are about 259,800,-000,000 cubic miles. As computed from these figures the weig...
-Turf Terms (Dictionery)
Aged Horses - Usually applied to horses on the running turf that are over six years of age. Beefy - A horse with too much fat. Barney - A race in which there has been a cross or sell-out. ...
-Turf Terms (Dictionery). Continued
Jog. - Generally used where a horse has won easily. Left at the Post. - A term used on the running turf, where a horse scores for races, but refuses to go on. Levanted. - Applied to a word-c ]f-...
-What Congress Costs
There are just 414 members of the House and of the Senate, and to wait upon and run errands and hold open the doors as they pass in and out, and carrying cards of their callers, and taking care of the...
-The Periods Of Gestation
The periods of gestation are the same in Horse and Ass, 11 months each; Camel, 12 months; Elephant, 2 years; Lion, 5 months; Buffalo, 12 months; Cow, 9 months; Sheep, 5 months; Reindeer, 8 months; Mon...
-Like Period Of Birds
Blackbird, lives from 10 to 12 years; Blackcap, lives 15 years; Canary (if it does not couple), lives 24 years; Chaffinch, lives from 20 to 24 years; Crane, lives 24 years; Crow, lives 100 years; Eagl...
-How Birds And Beasts Are Grouped
A covey of Partridges; a nide of Pheasants; a wish of Snipe; a bevy of Quails; a flight of Doves; a flight of Swallows; a muster of Peacocks; a siege of Herons; a building of Rooks; a brood of Grouse;...
-The Great Canals In The World
The longest canal is the Imperial Canal of China; it is over 1,000 miles long. In the year 1681 was completed the greatest undertaking of the kind on the European Continent, the Canal Languedoc or the...
-Elevation Of Localities Above The Sea
Level Place Location Feet Above Sea Level Tunnel, C. & 0. R. R..... Peru, S. Am ...
-Lake And Seas Below The Sea Level
Name. Location. Feet Below the Sea Level Dead Sea Syria, Asia .. 1,317 feet Lake Gennesare...
Planets, Distance From The Sun Planet Distance in Miles Neptune ..2,745,998,000 miles Uranus ..1,8...
-Height Of Cascades And Waterfalls
Name Location Height of Fall in feet Sentinel Yosemite Valley, Cal., N. Am.. 3,270 feet Yosemite ...
-For Cleaning Various Substances
Black Silk Brush and wipe it thoroughly, lay on table with the side intended to show, up; sponge with hot coffee strained through muslin; when partially dry, iron. Alabaster Use strong soap a...
-How To Preserve Eggs
To each pailful of water add two pints of fresh slaked lime and one pint of common salt, mix well. Fill your barrel half full with this fluid, put your eggs down in it any time after June and before J...
-How To Keep Fresh Meat A Week Or Two In Summer
Any one can keep fresh meat very nicely for a week or two by putting it into sour milk or buttermilk (to be covered over with it) placing it in a cool cellar. The bone or fat need not be removed. Rins...
-Prevent Decay Of Farming Implements
When not in use have them sheltered from the sun, wind, rain and snow. By this means sleighs, carts, wagons, ploughs, harrows, threshing-machines and the like would last twice as long as they would if...
-Destroy Moss On Trees
Paint them with whitewash made of quicklime and wood ashes. ...
-Protect Fruit Trees From Attack Of Mice, Etc
Paint with tar, 1 part; tallow, 3 parts; mix; apply hot to the bark of a tree with a paint brush. ...
-Prepare Flannel From Shrinking
Put new flannel into clean cold water and let it remain a week, changing the water frequently, then wash well in warm water using a little soap to remove the oily matter. Flannel prepared in this way ...
-Clean Feathers
Feathers may be cleansed with a lather of soap and hot water and pearl ash. When it is a little cool wash the feathers in it, gently squeezing it, rinse it well in cold water, shaking well before the ...
-To Revive Withered Cuttings Of Flowers, Rosebuds, Etc
Mix four drops of spirits of camphor with one ounce of water and place withered cuttings of flowers, rosebuds, etc., after carrying in the hands, and they will revive. Keep the stems in the fluid for ...
-How To Make Corks Good For Stoppers
Corks which you steep in vaseline are an excellent substitute for glass stoppers. They are not in the least affected by acids, and never become fixed through long disuse. ...
-Polish For Fine, Hard Wood
Take shellac, 3 pounds; wood naptha, 3 pints; another recipe, 2 pounds shellac; 1 ounce each of powdered gum mastic and gum sandarac, one-half pint of copal varnish, mixed well and shaken until dissol...
-Walnut Stain
One and one-half ounces common soda, two and one half ounces Vandyke brown and one-quarter ounce bichromate of potassium, dis-solved in one quart water, boil the ingredients together for ten minutes; ...
-The Longest Rivers In The World
Name and Location Miles Long Missouri (with the Mississippi,) United States..................4,500 Nile (Stanley's), Africa......................................4,100 Nile (Old Survey), Afric...
-Fine Decorative Work Paste
Take seventy-five parts of India-rubber, dissolved in sixty parts of chloroform, with fifteen parts gum mastic added makes a purely transparent paste which can be used in the most delicate kind of dec...
-Size Of The Oceans
Name Square Miles Pacific................77,000,000 Atlantic..............31,000,000 Indian................21,000,000 Name Square Miles Antarctic...........................13,000,000 ...
-Facts About The Planet Earth
Diameter at the Equator, 7,925 miles, diameter at the Poles, 7,899 miles; mean diameter, 7,916 miles; circumference at the Equator, 24,899 miles; surface of the Earth, in round numbers : Land, 54,500,...
-Distance Around The World In Traveling
(Statute Miles) From San Francisco, Cal., to Yokohama, Japan...........4,764 miles Yokohama to Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island.......1,620 Hong Kong to Singapore, Asia.....................1...
-Marriage Age In Different Countries
In Austria, 14 years for both sexes; Belgium, the man 18 years and the woman at 15 years; France, the man at 18 years, the woman at 15 years; Germany, the man at 18 years, the woman at 14 years; Greec...
-Size Of Animals
Antelope, 3 1/4 feet Armadillo and tail, 5 feet Anteater, 1 foot Badger, 2 1/2 feet Barbary Ape, 3 1/2 feet Bottle-nosed Seal, 11 to 18 feet Civet, 2 feet Chamois, 3 feet Commo...
-Shortest And Longest Verse In The Bible
Shortest verse, St. John, 11th chapter, 35th verse; longest verse, Esther, 8th chapter, 9th verse. ...
-Large Families
Lucas Saez returned to Spain in June, 1883, from the United States with 37 children, 79 grandchildren, and 81 great-grandchildren - in all 197 people, 107 males and 90 females, his eldest son being 70...
-Heaviest Men
Miles Darden (the Tennessee Giant), height 7 feet 6 inches, and weighed over 1,000 pounds. Daniel Lambert (English), was 5 feet 11 inches high, and weighed 739 pounds. Small People or Dwarfs ...
-A Lady's Chance To Marry
Every lady has some chance to marry, it may be one to fifty, or it may be. ten to one that she will. Representing her entire chance at one hundred at certain points of her progress in time, it is foun...
-The Wedding Anniversary
At end of first year comes the........................Cotton Wedding At end of second year comes the....................Paper At end of third year comes the....................Leather At ...
-Weight Of Various Breeds Of Poultry
Black Polish cock, 3 years old weighs............. 5 pounds 3 ounces hen, 3 years old weighs................ 3 4 Spanish cock, 4 months old weighs......... 2 11 pullet, weig...
-Speed Of Birds
Hawks fly at the rate of 150 miles per hour. Ducks 90 Crows 25 Falcons 75 Sparrows 92 ...
-Bible Facts And Figures
The Old Testament contains 2,728,100 letters, 592,493 words, 23,214 verses, 929 chapters, and 39 books. The New Testament contains 838,3S0 letters, 181,253 words, 7,959 verses, 260 chapters and 27 boo...
-Most Northern And Southern Points Reached By Explorers
The following table shows the farthest points of north latitude by Arctic Explorers up to and including the Greely expedition: Year Explorers .North Latitude ...
-The Longest Tunnels In The World
The longest tunnel in the world is the Mount St. Gothard Tunnel, Italy. It is 48,840 feet long or nearly 10 miles long. The Mount Cenis Tunnel, Italy, is next, is 39,840 feet long or about 7 miles ...
-Herschel's Weather Table
For Foretelling the Weather, Throughout all the Lunations of Each Year, Forever This table and the accompanying remarks are the result of many years' actual observation, the whole being constructed...
-French Paste Diamonds
French paste used in making artificial diamonds is a kind of glass with a mixture of oxide of lead. Imitation stones are now so nearly perfect that the market of real diamonds is beginning to suffer. ...
-Density Of Population
The population per square mile of the different countries is as follows: Belgium....................451 England and Wales..........389 Holland....................291 Italy....................
-Different Nations, Names Of Their People And The Language They Speak
Name of Nation Name of People Language Spoken Abyssinia .................. Abyssinians ............... .Abyssinian. ...
-The Human Family
The human family living to-day consists of about 1,450,000,000 individuals. In Asia, where man was first planted there are now about 800,000,000 souls, on an average 120 to the square mile. In Europe ...
-Gold Leaf Thickness
Gold leaf is the 254-248th part of an inch in thickness, which is common work of the gold-beater. Sheets have been beaten the 367,-500th part of an inch in thickness. One ounce of gold can be beaten o...
-Age And Mortality
The following table which years of experience of scientific men has proven, settles the death-rate. One of the following number of persons may die within one year: At 10 years..............1 in 134...
-Bleeding Wounds. How To Stop It
If blood spurts from the wound, an artery is divided; bind limb tightly above wound with India-rubber tubing, strap, handkerchief or scarf; or, bend the limb forcibly at next joint above wound; or, pr...
-Burns And Scalds - Treatment
Apply lint, cotton, wool or waste, soaked in oil, or oil and lime water, and bind the same on with handkerchief or cloth. If necessary to remove clothes, cut them off by running knife or scissors alon...
-Broken Limbs
Broken Leg - Treatment Pull on leg steadily and firmly until it is of same length as sound one. Roll up a coat or empty sack into form of a cushion; carefully place leg upon it; then bind two toget...
-Treatment For Various Causes
Flesh Wounds Uncover wound; wash it with clean water; wring out a clean hand-kerchief, or lint, in cold water, and lay it over the wound. Then bind in position with handkerchief. On no account use ...
-Ten Laws Of Health
1. Pure air is the food of the lungs. This is obtained by scientific ventilation, which consists in admitting currents or movements of air in the apartments through two or more apertures. 2. Good a...
-Composition Of The Human Body
A man of 154 pounds weight contains 110 pounds of water, and 38 pounds of dry matter. Of the dry matter 28 pounds are organic, and 10 pounds are mineral matter. The blood of a fully grown and healthy ...
-To Remove A Particle From The Eye
Take a horsehair and double it, leaving a loop. If the object can be seen, lay the loop over it, close the eye, and the mote will come out as the hair is withdrawn. If the irritating object cannot be ...
-The Pulse In Health
New born infants from 140 down to 130 per minute. During 1st year from 130 down to 115 per minute. During 2d year from 115 down to 100 per minute. During 3d year from 105 down to 95 per minute. During...
Each person requires at least from three to four cubic feet of air per minute. Ordinary windows allow about 8 cubic feet a minute to pass. Sleeping apartments require 1,000 feet to each occupant. A...
-How Fast A Person Grows
At birth the mean length of boys is 18 1/2 inches, and of girls is 1 1/8 inches. Growth is most rapid immediately after birth and continually diminishes until about five years of age, from then until ...
-The Ten Seven Years Of Life
Seven years in childhood's sport and play, 7, Seven years in school from day to day, 14 Seven years at trade or college life, 21 Seven years to find and place a wife, 28 Seven years to pleasure's foll...
-What To Do When The Clothes Take Fire
Three out of four persons rush up to the burning individual and b2gin to paw with their hands without any definite aim. It is useless to tell the victim to do this or that, or to call for water. In fa...
-Muscles, Heat And Fat, Water Properties Of Food
100 parts of each Heat and Fat making Name of Food Water, etc. Muscle making Apples .......................
-To Determine The Weight Of Live Cattle
Measure in inches girth around breast just behind shoulder-blade and the length of back from tail to fore part of shoulder-blade. Multiply girth by length and divide by 144. If girth is less than thre...
-Oils, Classified
Drying Oils Linseed Oils Cress-seed Oil Poppy Oil Sunflower Oil Walnut Oil Tobacco-seed Oil Non-Drying Oils Almond Oil Castor Oil Colza Oil Oil of Mustard Rape-seed Oil Olive Oil, etc. Essential...
-Anchors A Vessel Must Carry
A vessel of 2,000 tons must carry anchors weighing 18 tons with two-inch chain cables 300 fathoms long, and pro rata for larger or smaller vessels. All vessels carry seven anchors. ...
-Name Of Alloys Or Composition Of Metals
Name of Metal Aluminium bronze Bell metal Brass Britannia metal Bronze Dutch metal German Silver Gold currency Gun metal Mosaic gold Ormolu Pewter Silver currency Shot Solder Stereotype metal...
-What There Is In A Ton Of Coal
From one ton of ordinary gas coal may be produced 1,500 pounds of coke, 20 gallons of ammonia water, and 140 pounds of coal tar. By destructive distillation the coal tar will yield 69.6 pounds of p...
-Balloons, Remarkable Ascensions
The most remarkable ascents on record are those of Montgolfier, who ascended to the height of 2,000 yards from Lyons, France, in 1783. Guy Lussac, in 1804, from Paris, France, to the height of 7,700 y...
-Business Law In Daily Use
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. Ignorance of the la\V excuses no one. The acts of one partner bind all the rest. A note or contract made with a minor or lunatic is void. An agreement wit...
-Useful Information - Law
Every citizen is entitled to inspect and copy public writings. When an instrument consists partly of written words and partly of a printed form, and the two inconsistent, the former controls the la...
-The Knot And The Mile
The knot and the mile are terms often used interchangeably, but erroneously so. The fact is that a mile is less than 87 per cent of a knot. Three and one-half miles are equal, within a very small fr...
-A Centennial Calendar
For ascertaining any Day of the week for any given time within the present century Years 1801 to 1900 l 3 4 5...
-Bankers' Table
Showing the number of days from any date in one month to the same date in any other month. FROM TO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May ...
-Bills Of Exchange
A Bill of Exchange or Draft is an order drawn by one person or firm upon another, payable either at sight or at a stated future time. It becomes an Acceptance when the party upon whom it is drawn...
-Financial Crises
1837 - United States Wild Cat crisis, all banks closed. 1839 - Bank of England saved by Bank of France. Severe in France where 93 companies failed for six millions. 1844 - England, State ...
-Value Of Foreign Coins In U. S. Money
(Proclaimed by the Secretary of the Treasury, January 1, 1889) Country Standard Monetary Unit Value in U. S. Mon. Argentine Rep ...
-Brokers' Technicalities
A Bull is one who operates to raise the value of stocks, that he may buy for a rise. A Bear is one who sells stock for future delivery which he does not own at the time of sale. A Corner i...
-Principal Countries Of The World, Their Population, Area In Square Miles And Capitals
Country Population Area Sq. M. Location Capital Abyssinia 3,000,000 129,000 Africa Gondar Afghanistan ...
-Navies Of The World
Country Vessels Men Great Britain........556 87,427 France..............507 42,848 Russia..............410 31,000 Italy......,.........175 13,328 China...............124 8,935 Nether...
Nameof Battle Won by Whom When Fought Quebec,Canada British Dec. 31, 1775 Moores Creek Bridge, N. C.. ...
-Government Of The United States
The executive power is vested in the President, who holds office for four years, and receives $50,000 annually. The President and Vice-President are elected by electors chosen by the people. The nu...
-Game Laws of California
When game may be killed or caught. Male Deer or Buck......................July 1st to December 15th. Quail.............................September 10th to February 28th. Rail......................
-Facts For Californians
Legal Holidays. - January 1st; February 22d; May 30th; July 4th; General Election day; Thanksgiving Day; December 25th. Interest. - Seven per cent is the legal rate, though any rate can be made by ...
-Liens For Salary And Wages
Where an assignment is made, the wages of the employees not exceeding $100 each, and for services rendered within sixty days previously and preferred claims, must be paid before other creditors. In...
-Distance From San Francisco To Various Places
To Miles Baltimore.................3,222 Boston....................3,387 Big Trees.................. 168 Carson.................... 324 Charleston................3,254 Chicago..........
-How Iron Wears Out
When a worn car-wheel tread is examined under the microscope it is perceived that the surface of the metal comes off in thin flakes or scales. Examined under high powers the scales are found to res...
-Distance From New York City To Various Places
To Miles Albany, N. Y.............. 144 Altoona, Pa.............. 314 Antwerp, Belgium........ 3,272 Augusta, Ga.............. 830 Augusta, Me.............. 402 Baltimore, Md...........
-New Standard Of Railroad Time
With the enormous increase of railway traveling the necessity arose for inventing some method of counting time which should avoid the complications arising from the use of local mean time, which varie...
-The Number Of Days It Takes To Travel To The Principal Cities Of The World
from San Francisco Name of City Days Acapulco, Mexico............. 9 Adelaide, Australia...........28 Aden, Arabia.................26 Albany, West Australia. .....39 Alexandria, Egyp...
-Difference Of Time Between Washington And Other Cities Of The World
12:00 o'clock (noon) at Washington, D. C. 12:12 P. M. at 12:24 12:27 1:37 3:19 4:31 4:43 4:55 5:07 5:17 5:58 6:02 6:1...
-The Expansion And Contraction Of Railway Track By The Different Temperatures
In climates having a difference of 70 degrees of temperature between the hot and cold seasons, a railway track of 400 miles is 338 yards longer in Summer than in Winter. Of course, the length of the r...
-How To Tell How Fast One Is Traveling By Railroad
The number of miles per hour at which a train is running will be the same as the number of rails passed over in twenty seconds, which can be ascertained by the click produced by the wheels at each ...
-Value Of A Bar Of Iron Worked Into Various Forms
A bar of iron worth five dollars, worked into horseshoes, is worth ten dollars and fifty cents ; made into needles, it is worth three hundred and fifty-five dollars ; made into penknife blades it is w...
-How To Mix Paints And Printing Ink For Tints
Mixing red and black makes................................brown lake and white makes................................rose white and brown makes............................chestnut white,...
-How To Remove Rust From Steel
Brush the rusted steel with a paste composed of half an ounce of cyanide potassium, half an ounce of castile soap, one ounce of whiting and enough water to make a paste. Then wash the steel in a solut...
-How To Write On Glass
An ink that will write on glass can be made from ammonium fluoride dissolved in water and mixed with three times its weight of barium sulphate. ...
-How To Remove Paint From Painted Surfaces
Take, 4 pounds of Irish moss, 3 pounds of methylated spirit, and 3 pounds of Fuller's earth are mixed with 30 pounds of water, the whole boiled, and a solution of 16 pounds of caustic soda and 16 poun...
-How To Kill Grease Spots Before Painting
Wash over the smoky or greasy parts with saltpetre, or very thin lime whitewash. If soapsuds are used, they must be washed off thoroughly, as they prevent the paint from drying hard. ...
-Number Of Believers In Different Creeds
The estimated number of Christians in the world is over 408,000,000; of Buddhists, 420,000,000; of the followers of Brahma, 180,000,000; of Mohammedans, 150,000,000; of Jews, 8,000,000; of atheists, d...
-The Name Of God In Different Languages
Language Name of God AEolian.....................Ilos Arabic....................Allah Armorian.................Teuti Assyrian.................. Eleah Celtic......................Diu ...
-Chronological List Of Noted Events Since The Creation Of The World
Event Date B. C. Creation.....................................................4004 Menes, first King of Egypt began to reign....................2717 The Flood....................................
-Chronological List Of Noted Events. Part 2
First General Council of Church, at Nice....................... 325 Athanasius Patriarch of Alexandria............................ 326 Death of Arius................................................
-Chronological List Of Noted Events. Part 3
Election of Pope vested in College of Cardinals by Nicholas II. ..1059 Norman Conquest of England begins..........................1066 Battle of Hastings ; defeat of Harold by William the Conque...
-Chronological List Of Noted Events. Part 4
Nine years' truce between England and Scotland proclaimed......1438 Joan of Arc's Victory over the English..........................1429 Union of Naples and Sicily as The Two Sicilies ' procla...
-Notable Historical Fires
Year Place Loss 1570...... Moscow, Russia 200,000 victims. 1666...... London, England ...
-Expectation Of Human Life
After the first year the chances of living increase up to the fourth year, and then slowly decline. The average life of the following occupations are here given: Occupation Years Rural Laborers....
-Patent Fees Of Different Countries
Country Fee Austria ....................$250 Bavaria.................... 150 Belgium.................. . 150 Cuba...................... 450 France.................... 150 Great Brita...
-Salaries Of United States Military And Naval Officers
Military Officers Rank Salary Per Annum General of the Army......................................$13,500 Lieutenant General..................... .................. 11,000 Major Generals......
-Limit Of Jurisdiction With Justice Of Peace Of The Different States
The following table shows the largest amount in the different States and Territories which the Justice of Peace, through his position, can have jurisdiction over as follows: State Amount State Amou...
-Value Of Ancient Money
Denominations Weight, Grains Gold Value Gold Shekel 132 $5.69 Gold Maneh 13,200 569....
-Banks Of Europe - When Established
The first bank was established in Italy in SOS. Other banks were established as follows : Bank of Year Venice..... ................1151 Geneva.....................1345 Barcelona..............
-Facts About Banks In The United States
Bank of North America, Philadelphia, incorporated by Congress 1781; by State of Pennsylvania, 1782. Bank of the United States, incorporated 1791; went into operation 1794; capital, $10,000,000; cha...
-Facts About The Bank Of England
February 26, 1797. Bank of England suspended payment of specie. May 1, 1821. Resumed payment of notes in bullion at mint prices. May 1, 1821. Resumed payment of notes in current coin of the real...
-A Few Facts About Gold
A cubic inch of gold is worth $210; a cubic foot is worth $362,380; a cubic yard is worth $9,792,762. This is valuing it at $18 an ounce. At the commencement of the Christian era there was in the worl...
-Interest Laws Of All The States, Canada, England, Ireland And France
Place Penalty of Usury Legal rate per cent. Rate per contract per cent. * Alabama Forfeiture entire interst 8 ...
-How To Remove Tight Rings From The Finger
The removal of rings is practiced by jewelers in the following manner: The swollen finger is wrapped very tightly with a flat rubber braid, commencing at the end; the finger is then held upright for a...
-Area Of The Most Notable Parks Of The World
Name Location Area in Acres Windsor Park .. Windsor Castle, England... .........3,800 Fairmount Park ...
-Number Of Years Seeds Retain Their Vitality
Vegetables Years Artichoke ...... 5 to 6 Beans ...... 2 to 3 Brocco;i ......5 to 6 ...
-Harvest Dates Of The World
January. - Harvest is ended in most districts of Australia and shipments have been made of the new crop, Chili, New Zealand, Argentine Republic. February. - Upper Egypt, India. March. - Egypt, I...
-The Housewife's Table
The following is a very valuable housewife's table by which persons not having scales and weights at hand may readily measure the article wanted to form any recipe without the trouble of weighing, all...
-What Housekeepers Should Remember
That fish may be scaled much easier by first dipping them into boiling water for a minute. That which has changed may be sweetened or rendered fit for use again by stirring in a little soda. Tha...
-Amount Of Butter And Cheese Obtainable From Milk
100 pounds of milk contains about 3 pounds pure butter. 100 7.8 chees...
-The First United States Flag
In June, 1776, a committee was appointed by the Continental Congress to design a flag for the new government about to go in operation. Colonel George Ross was on this committee who, accompanied by Geo...
-Origin Of Orchard And Garden Fruits And Number Of Varieties
Name Place of Origin Number of Varieties Almond North Africa ............... 9 Apple Europe ...
-Amount Of Oil In Seeds
The amount of oil in a certain seed will vary according to the conditions of growth. In a scale of 100 this is considered about the average per cent. Per cent Name of Oil Bitter Almond.............
-The First Steam-Propelled Vessel That Crossed The Ocean
The Times (of London, England), in the issue of May 8, 1819, thus announced the expected event: Great Experiment. - A new steam-vessel of 300 tons has been built at New York for the express purpos...
-United States Souadron Stations
North Atlantic Headquarters at Washington, D. C. South Atlantic ... Rio Janeiro, Brazil North Pacific ...
-Mottoes of the States and Territories
United States. - Epluribus unum (Latin). One composed of many. Alabama. - Here we rest. Arizona. - Ditat Deus. God enriches. Arkansas. - Regnant populi (Latin). The people rule. California...
-Horses Famous in History
Annual Statistican Bavieca, the Cid's horse. He survived his master two years and a half, during which time no one was allowed to mount him, and when he died he was buried before the gate of the mo...
-Insects and Mammals Most Useful to Men
The silkworm, silk; the cochineal insect, cochineal; the lac insect, lac; the gall insect, gall; the bee, honey and wax; the Spanish fly, medicinal; the Greenland whale, whale oil and whalebone; the S...
-Nicknames of the Inhabitants of Different States
Alabama - Lizards Arkansas - Toothpicks, gophers California - Gold Hunters Colorado - Rovers Delaware - Blue Hen3, muskrats Florida - Fly-up-the Creeks Georgia - Crackers, buzzards ...
-The Nine Muses
Clio or Klio, the muse of History. Calliope or Kalliope, the muse of Eloquence or Epic Poetry. Erato, the muse of Love and Marriage. Euterpe, the muse of the Art of Music. Melpomene, the m...
-Nicknames of the United States
Uncle Sam, Brother Jonathan, Columbia, the New World, Stars and Stripes, Yankee Land, Yankeedom, and America. Statue of Limitation on Debts, Notes, Judgments, Sealed Instruments, etc., of the St...
-Armories And Arsenals Of The United States
Name Springfield Armory Alleghany Arsenal Augusta Arsenal Benicia Arsenal Champlain Arsenal Charleston Arsenal Columbus Arsenal Detroit Arsenal Fort Monroe Arsenal Fort Union Arsenal Frankford Arsenal...
-Languages And Alphabets
It is said that the various nations of the earth speak about eighty-eight different dialects, but these can be traced to a much smaller number of languages, which again are all referred by the philoso...
-States And Territories, Their Area, When Admitted Into The Union, Where
First Settled And When Name Area Sq. Mi. When admitted into the Union When Settled Where Settled Alabama 52,260...
-Postage Rates
Letters within U. S. Per oz. Letters to any part....................................... 2cts. City drop letters.......................................... 2 cts. Postal Cards to any part.........
-Postage To Countries And Places Not In Postal Union
Pre-Payment Compulsory. COUNTRIES AND PLACES. Letters notexceeding 1/2 oz. News-papers. Australia via England........................... ...
-Qualifications Required For Suffrage In Different States
STATES Voters must be males 21 years of age and Residenceence reqilired in State County Voting Prec't Alab...
-Wars Of The United States
Statement of the Number of United States Troops Engaged Wars From To Regulars Militia and Volunteers Total W...
-Presidents Of The United States
Name From State of Date in Office Term of Office George Washington Virginia 1789 to 1797 8yrs. ...
-Postmasters-General Of The United States
The Postoffice Department was established by the old Congress. Name From State of In whose Cabinet Appointed Samuel Osgood Massach...
-Attorneys-General Of The United States
The Attorney-General of the United States is chief law officer of the Government and as such is considered a member of the Cabinet. He is the .constitutional legal adviser and defender of the Governme...
-Secretaries Of Interior Of The United States
The Interior Department was created by Act of Congress, 1849. Name From State of In whose Cabinet Appointed Thomas Ewing ...
-The House Of Representatives Of The United States
Is composed of members elected every second year by popular vote, the amount being determined by the census taken every ten years. An Act of Congress passed February 16, 1882, based on the result of t...
-The Eleven Rebellions Of The United States
Since the organization of the Federal Government eleven attempts have been made to resist its authority. The first was in 1782, a conspiracy of some of the officers of the Federal Army to consolida...
-Legal Holidays In The United States
New Year's Day. - January 1st is a legal holiday in all the States and Territories, except Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Corolina, and Rhode ...
-The United States Of Brazil
On November 15, 1889, a startling report was received that Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, had been deposed, and that the former empire of Brazil had been declared a republic. Later advices confirmed th...
-Date On Which The American Republics Declared Their Independence
Country Date Argentine Republic...................................March 25, 1816 Bolivia......................,.......................July 28, 1824 Brazil (Empire)...............................
-The Government Of Foreign Countries Republics
Argentine Republic The legislative authority is vested in a National Congress, consisting of a Senate and a House of Deputies; the executive power is entirely in the hands of the President, who is ...
-Kingdoms And Empires
Austria And Hungary Each of these countries has its own Parliament, Ministers and Government. They have a common army, navy and diplomacy and a controlling body, known as the Delegations. Belgiu...
-The Principal Countries Of The World, Their Form Of Government, Title Of Ruler And Term Of Office
Country Form of Government Title of Ruler Term of Office Abyssinia Absolute Despotism Sultan Life ...
-Principal Countries Of The World, Their Ruler's Name, Ruler's Salary Or Civil List And Prevailing Religion
Country Ruler's Name Salary or Civil List Prevailing Religion Abyssinia Johannes II Coptic Christian ...
-Principal Treaties Of The World Ratified By Different Nations Since 1140
{People's Atlas) 1140. - Hanseatic League projected between the port-towns and cities of Germany against Danish and Swedish pirates; signed 1241. 1217, Sept. 11. - First treaty made by England w...
-Weights And Measures #2
Diamond Weight 16 parts equal 1 grain equals .8 grain Troy 4 grains 1 carat 3.2 ...
-United States Money
10 mills ... equal 1 cent 10 cents 1 dime 10 dimes . ...
-Comparison Of Measures Of Capacity
1 gallon (A qts.) Wine Measure, contains 231 cubic inches. 1 gallon (4 qts.) Dry Measure, contains 268 4-5 cubic inches. 1 gallon (4 qts.) Beer Measure, contains 282 cubic inches. 1 bushel, Dry Measur...
-Foreign Weights And Measures
Denomination Where Used U. S. Equivalent Almude......... Portugal .......4.422 gals. Arratel or Libra.. ...
-Capacity (Seating) Of Noted Public Buildings
Building Location Capacity Coliseum Rome, Italy ..........87,000 St. Peter's Church..... Rome, ...
-Marvels Of Nature And Art
The Largest Fortification in the World The largest single fortification is Fortress Monroe, at Norfolk, Virginia. It has already cost the U. 8. Government over three million dollars. The water batt...
-Population Of The Largest Cities Of The World - Latest Census
Cities London* (est., 4/282,921).1881 Paris..............................1886 Canton...........................est. Berlin............................1885 Vienna...........................
-Population Of Cities In The United States
Cities Official Census 1880 Estimated Census 1885 Estimated Census 1890 New York city................................... ...
-Official Census Of The United States
In 1776 the population was 2,614,300 including slaves. Date Official Census 1790................ 3,929,827 1800................ 5,305,940 1810................ 7,239,814 1820...............
-Pen Names Of Popular Writers
(Annual Statistican) Pen Name A. L. 0. E. (A Lady of English)........... Artemus Ward........................... Arthur Skethley......................... Asa Trenchard........................
-Brief History Of The Standard Silver Dollar
It was authorized to be coined, Act of Congress, April 2, 1792. Weight, 416 grains standard silver; fineness, 892.4; equivalent to 37l 1/4 grains of fine silver, with 44f grains alloy of pure copper. ...
-Important Epochs And Eras
Epochs and Eras Period of Commencement Grecian Year of the World................September 1, B. C. 5598 Julian Period...............................January 1, B. C. 4713 Jewish Mundane Era......
-Generals Commanding The United States Army
Name George Washington................................. Henry Knox......................................... Josiah Harmer...................................... Arthur St. Clair...............
-United States Customs Duties
(Abridged) Animals for breeding purposes free on Consular Certificate other wise 20 per cent. Ale, porter and beer, in bottl...
-Average Percentage Of Alcohol In Wines And Liquors
Name Per Cent. Beer..................... 4.0 Porter...................... 4.5 Ale........................ 7.4 Cider...................... 8.6 Perry...................... 8.8 Elder......
-Rifles Used In The Armies Of Different Nations
Hebler Rifle is used by Switzerland, calibre .30 inch, powder 65 grains, bullet 270 grains, muzzle velocity 1,750 feet per second. Jarmann Rifle is used by Sweden and Norway, weight 10 lbs. 1 1/2 o...
-How To Secure A Copyright
Send by mail or otherwise prepared a printed copy of the title (and two copies after publication) of the book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph, or a d...
-How To Apply For A Patent
A patent may be obtained by any person who has invented or discovered any new and useful art, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new or useful improvement thereof, not known nor us...
-How To Apply For A Cadetship
How Appointments are made. - The appointments (except those at large) are made by the Secretary of War or Navy at the request of the Representative in Congress from the District: and the person appoin...
-How To Apply For A Pension
Declaration of pension claimants must be made before any court of record or before some officer thereof having custody of its seal. Printed instructions and forms (for filling in) can be had, free of ...
-How To Obtain A Passport
Send five dollars to the Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. A blank will be returned to you, which on filling out, certifying to it before a Notary Public or Justice of the Peace and forwarding it ...
-The British Empire
The United Kingdom Countries Area Sq. Miles How Acq. by Eng. Date Pop. 1881 England 50,823.. ...
-National Debt Of The United States
Principal of the National Debt of the United States on January 1st, of each year from 1791 to 1842 inclusive; and on July 1st of each year from 1843 to 1886 inclusive and on December 1, 1887, 1888, 18...
-National Debt Of Principal Countries Of The World
Countries Fiscal Year National Debt Argentine Republic ....1888... ...................$ 134,672,500 *Austr...
-Governors Of California
Spanish Rule Name Gasparde Portala..... Felipe de Barri....... Felipe de Neve ...... Pedro Fajes.......... Jose Antonio Romea.. Date 1767-1771 1771-1774 1774-1782 1782-1790 1790-1...
-Philosophical Facts
The greatest height at which visible clouds ever exist does not exceed ten miles. Air is about 815 times lighter than water. The pressure of the atmosphere upon every square foot of the earth am...
-Popular And Electoral Votes For Presidents
YEAR CANDIDATES PARTY POPULAR VOTE EL ECTORAL, VOTE 1824... Andrew Jackson Democrat .. 152,8...
-Biographies Of The Presidents Of The United States
George Washington was born February 22,1732, near Bridges'Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia; paternal ancestors were English; vocation in early life was surveyor, when elected planter; religious co...
-Average Annual Temperature In The United States
Place of Observation Average Temperature Tucson, Arizona Ter........................................... 69 Jacksonville, Florida........................,................... 69 New Orleans, Lo...
-Average Annual Rainfall In The United States
Place Inches Neah Bay, Washington...................................... 123 Sitka, Alaska Ter.............................................. 83 Ft. Haskins, Oregon...... .........................
-What A Horse Can Draw
On metal rails a horse can draw: One and two-thirds times as much as on asphalt pavement; three and one-third time3 as much as on good Belgian blocks; five times as much as on ordinary Belgian blocks;...
-Canning Fruits, Amount Of Sugar Required And Time Of Boiling
A general rule for canning fruit is as follows: Kind of Fruit Time of Boiling Quantity of Sugar per quart Bartlett Pears 20 minutes ....
-Largest Universities
University Location, Country Number of Professors When Founded Berlin Germany ..........142..... .........
-Relative Value And Weight Of Wood
The following table shows the comparative value of firewoods for fuel in a seasoned state, or when burnt to charcoal. Shellbark Hickory being taken at 100 as the standard. Name ...
-The New Navy Of The United States
The new navy of the United States received its first start in 1881, when, under the direction of Secretary W. H. Hunt, the first Advisory Board was appointed to report upon the pressing need of approp...

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