5720. To Relieve Vomiting During Pregnancy

5720.    To Relieve Vomiting During Pregnancy. Mix 2 ounces sweet tincture of rhubarb, and 1 ounce compound tincture of gentian. Dose, a tea-spoonful 3 times a day.

5721. To Cure Vomiting in Pregnancy

5721.    To Cure Vomiting in Pregnancy. Mix 1 drachm carbonate of magnesia, £ ounce tincture of Colombo, 51/2 ounces peppermint water. Take a table-spoonful 3 times a day.

5722. Citric Acid in After-pains

5722.    Citric Acid in After-pains. Dr. J. B. Chagnon recommends citric acid for the pains following labor, and declares that it has never failed in his hands. He gives 5 grains in 2 or 3 ounces of water every 5 hours. It acts as a nervine, and as a preventive of inflammation.

5723. Pills to Remove Obstructions in Females

5723.    Pills to Remove Obstructions in Females. Aloes and lobelia, 1 drachm each; black cohosh, gum myrrh, tansy, unicorn root, 1 ounce each; cayenne, J ounce. Mix, and form into pills with solution of gum. These pills remove female obstructions, and are good for headaches, lowness of spirits, nervousness, and sallowness of tho skin.

5724. Female Regulating Pills

5724. Female Regulating Pills. Aloes, red oxide of iron, white turpentine, 1 ounce each. Melt the turpentine, and strain; mix well; form into pills with mucilage. Take 2 or 3 per day.

5725. Alum Injection for Leucor-rhoea

5725.    Alum Injection for Leucor-rhoea. Compound solution of alum, 6 drachms; water, 1 quart. Mix, and use it lukewarm.

5726. Lead Injection for LeucOrrhcea

5726.    Lead Injection for LeucOrrhcea. Sugar of lead, GO grains ; water, 1 quart. Mix.

5727. Catechu Injection for Leucorrhcea

5727.      Catechu Injection for Leucorrhcea. Catechu, 1 drachm; myrrh, 1 drachm; lime-water, 12 ounces. Mix, and dilute with water.

5728. Caustic Injection for Leucor-rhoea

5728.     Caustic Injection for Leucor-rhoea. Nitrate of silver, 35 grains; water, 1 quart. Mix.

5729. Zinc Injection for Leucor-rhoea

5729.     Zinc Injection for Leucor-rhoea. Sulphate of zinc, 40 grains; water, 1 quart. Mix.

5730. To Cure Sore Nipples

5730.    To Cure Sore Nipples. This painful affection of the breast, especially so during the period of nursing, may be cured as follows: Arrest the bleeding by a slight application of compound tincture of benzoin, carefully dry the parts with a soft muslin handkerchief; apply a solution of guttapercha, so as to completely surround the nipple and cover all abrasions, giving it three or four coatings, allowing each to dry thoroughly before repeating the application. During the act of suction, a boxwood shield, with calf's teat, should bo used, and in the course of a few days all will be well. The solution of gutta-percha is prepared by dissolving 1 drachm gutta percha in a bottle containing 3 drachms chloroform. The film rapidly formed by the evaporation of the chloroform is firm, elastic, and harmless, and, should it rub off, is very easily replaced. The almost painless nature of tho treatment, the effectual protection from tho contact of tho air and irritation of the infant's mouth recommend it strongly to general use.