5190. Thomas' Colocynth and Mandrake Pills

5190.    Thomas' Colocynth and Mandrake Pills. Take 1/2 drachm compound extract of colocynth, and 3 grains resin of podo-phyllin. Mix, and make into 12 pills. Dose, 2 at bed-time.


5191. Parrish's Aloes and Mandrake Pills

5191.    Parrish's Aloes and Mandrake Pills. Take 24 grains aloin, 12 grains resin of podophyllin, and 4 minims oleo-resin of ginger. Mix, and make into 24 pills. Dose, as a laxative, 1 pill; as a purgative, 2 or 3 pills.

5192. Chirayta Pills and Mixture

5192.     Chirayta Pills and Mixture. Dr. Reece's pills. Extract of chirayta (chi-retta), 2 drachms; dried soda, 20 grains; ginger, 15 grains; mix, and divide into 36 pills. Two twice a day. Mixture: Infusion of chirayta, 8 ounces; subcarbonate of soda, 1 drachm; 2 table-spoonfuls 3 times a day.

5193. Bateman's Pectoral Drops

5193.      Bateman's Pectoral Drops. Compound spirit of aniseed, 16 fluid ounces; opium, 1 drachm ; camphor, 1 drachm; oil of fennel, 20 drops ; cochineal, 2 drachms.

Or: Proof spirit, 4 gallons; red saunders, 2 ounces; digest 24 hours, filter, and add powdered opium, 2 ounces; camphor, 2 ounces; catechu, 2 ounces; oil of aniseed, 4 fluid drachms; digest for 10 days. {Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) The old wine gallon is here intended.

5194. Clutton's Febrifuge Spirit

5194.      Clutton's Febrifuge Spirit. The original formula is : oil of sulphur by the bell, oil of vitriol and sea salt, of each 1 ounce; rectified spirit, 3 ounces; mix, digest for a month, and distill to dryness.

5195. Clutton's Febrifuge Tincture

5195.    Clutton's Febrifuge Tincture. Febrifuge spirit, 8 fluid ounces; angelica root, serpentary, cardamom seed, of each 11/2 drachms; digest and strain. Water acidulated with these, and sweetened to the taste, forms a cooling diuretic and diaphoretic julep. Though never admitted into the Pharmacopoeia, these preparations are favorites with some practitioners.

5196. Lartigue's Gout Pills

5196.      Lartigue's Gout Pills. Compound extract of colocynth, 20 grains; extract of colchicum, 60 grains; extract of opium, 1 grain ; mix, and divide into 18 pills. Dose, one or more, according to their purgative effect.

5197. Baillie's Pills

5197.     Baillie's Pills. Compound extract of colocynth, l1/2 drachms; extract of aloes, 11/2 drachms; castile soap, 1/2 drachm; oil of cloves, 15 drops. Make into 38 pills. 3 at bed-time occasionally.

5198. Marseilles Vinegar

5198.    Marseilles Vinegar. Also called vinaigre de quatre voleurs, or thieves? vinegar. Dried tops of large and small wormwood, rosemary, sage, mint, rue, lavender-flowers, of each 2 ounces; calamus root, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, garlic, of each 1/4 ounce; camphor, 1/2 ounce; concentrated acetic acid, 2 ounces; strong vinegar, 8 pounds. Macerate the herbs, etc., in the vinegar for 2 weeks, strain, press, and add the camphor dissolved in the acetic acid. It is said that this medicated vinegar was invented by four thieves of Marseilles, who successfully employed it as a disinfectant during a visitation of pestilence.