5429. Laurence's Hemorrhage Solution

5429.    Laurence's Hemorrhage Solution. Dissolve 2 drachms chloride of iron in 1 fluid ounce water. Apply with a brush, to prevent gangrene and arrest homorrhage.

5430. Laurence's Styptic Solution

5430.      Laurence's Styptic Solution. If the solid perchloride of iron be kept in a bottle, a small portion deliquesces after a time, forming a thick brown liquid. This, applied to a bleeding surface by means of a brush of spun glass, arrests the flow of blood almost immediately.

5431. Monsel's Styptic Solution

5431. Monsel's Styptic Solution. This consists of a solution of subsulphate of iron, and is applicable for the same purpose as Laurence's hemorrhage solution. (See No. 5429 (Laurence's Hemorrhage Solution).) The preparation of the solution of subsulphate of iron is thus given in the U. S. Ph. Mix 510 grains sulphuric acid and 780 grains nitric acid with 1/2 pint distilled water; heat to the boiling point, and add, i part at a time, 12 troy ounces sulphate of iron, in coarse powder, stirring after each addition until effervescence ceases. Boil the solution until nitrous vapors are no longer perceptible, and the color assumes a deep ruby tint. When nearly cold, add sufficient distilled water to make up to 12 fluid ounces.

5432. Patterson's Emulsion of Pumpkin-Seeds

5432.  Patterson's Emulsion of Pumpkin-Seeds. This is a good preparation lor expelling tape-worms. Take 2 ounces pumpkin seeds, peel and pound to a paste with 1 ounce sugar; then add by degrees 8 fluid ounces water. The whole to be taken in 2 or 3 draughts, at short intervals, fasting. Dr. H. S. Patterson has prescribed this repeatedly with success.

5433. Teft's Dental Anaesthetic

5433.    Teft's Dental Anaesthetic. Mix 1 fluid ounce each tincture of aconite root, purified chloroform, and alcohol, with 6 grains morphia. Used to diminish the pain in extracting teeth, by applying two plugs of cotton, moistened with the liquid, to the gums around the tooth for 1 or 2 minutes. It must not be swallowed.

5434. Parrish's Quinine Pills

5434.    Parrish's Quinine Pills. Place 20 grains sulphate of quinia on a slab, drop upon it 15 minims aromatic sulphuric acid, triturating it with a bone spatula until it becomes a thick paste. Then divide rapidly into the required number of pills. A 3-grain pill made in this manner will not be inconveniently large.

5435. Grimault's Matico Injection

5435.    Grimault's Matico Injection. The matico injection, used by Grimault, of Paris, for gonorrhoea, is prepared, according to Bjoerklund, by dissolving 4 grains sulphate of copper in 8 ounces infusion of matico. The 8 ounces of infusion are made from 1/2 ounce matico.

5436. Storm's Specific

5436.    Storm's Specific. Take 2 ounces sweet spirits of nitre, l1/2 drachms oil of cu-bebs, 2 ounces balsam of copaiba, 1 drachm oil of turpentine, 20 drops oil of cinnamon, 3 ounces mucilage of gum-arabic, and sufficient tincture of cochineal to color. This preparation is preferred by many to the capsules.