5453. Brainard's Solution for External Use

5453.     Brainard's Solution for External Use. Dissolve 16 grains lactate of iron in 2 fluid drachms distilled water.

5454. Birch's Pills for Habitual Constipation

5454.    Birch's Pills for Habitual Constipation. Take 1/2 drachm alcoholic extract of rhubarb, 24 grains extract of taraxacum, and 2 grains sulphate of quinine. Mix together and make into 12 pills. One to be taken either on rising in the morning or at dinner time, or even at both periods when the constipation is very obstinate. This is a very gentle stomachic and tonic evacuant, particularly useful for the delicate.

5455. Da Costa's Chronic Constipation Pill

5455.    Da Costa's Chronic Constipation Pill. Take 1 grain podophyllin, 1 grain extract belladonna, 5 grains capsicum, and 20 grains powdered rhubarb; mix and divide into 20 pills. One pill to be taken 3 times a day.

5456. Birch's Constipation Pill

5456.     Birch's Constipation Pill. Take 12 1/2 grains compound extract of colo-cynth and 40 grains extract of henbane. Mix and divide into 20 pills. This is an excellent pill for occasional use, especially for constipation in old age.

5457. Ricord's Copaiba and Pepsine Pills

5457.    Ricord's Copaiba and Pepsine Pills. Take 111/2 drachms balsam of copaiba, 21/2 drachms neutral pepsine, 31 grains nitrate of bismuth, and 46 grains calcined magnesia. Divide into 100 capsules. Administer 15 to 18 daily.

5458. Lime Juice and Glycerine

5458.     Lime Juice and Glycerine. Lime (or lemon) juice, 1/2 pint. Heat in a porcelain mortar to near the boiling point, and add gradually rose water, elder-flower water, and rectified spirit, of each 2 ounces. Agitate the whole well together. After 24 hours' repose, decant or filter through calico or muslin, then add pure glycerine, 21/2 ounces; oil of lemons, 1/2 drachm. Again agitate them together for some time, and by careful manipulation you will have a somewhat milky liquid; but it should be quite free from any coarse floating matter or sediment.

5459. Boudault's Pepsine Pills

5459.    Boudault's Pepsine Pills. Mix

2   drachms and 34 grains starchy pepsine, with sufficient powdered tragacanth to make 60 pills. Dose, 3 pills before and 3 after each meal, and sometimes 3 during the meal.

5460. Hogg's Pepsine Pills

5460.    Hogg's Pepsine Pills. Mix 2 drachms 34 grains starchy pepsine, 1 drachm 17 grains nitrate of bismuth, and 38i grains lactic acid. Make into 100 pills, and coat with sugar and balsam of tolu. Dose, 4 to 12 pills 1 hour after meals.

5461. Angelot's Remedy for Ulcerated Gums

5461.    Angelot's Remedy for Ulcerated Gums. Take of hypochlorite of lime, from 10 to 25 grains; mucilage of gum-arabic, 11/2 to 4 drachms; syrup of orange peel, l1/2 to 2 drachms. Mix thoroughly. This mixture is employed as a lotion to the ulcerated gums.