For the protection of important papers against the destructive influences of the atmosphere, of water fungi, and light, but especially against the consequences of the process of molding, a process has been introduced under the name of zapon impregnation.

The zaponizing may be carried out by dipping the papers in zapon or by coating them with it by means of a brush or pencil. Sometimes the purpose may also be reached by dripping or sprinkling it on, but in the majority of cases a painting of the sheets will be the simplest method.

Zapon in a liquid state is highly inflammable, for which reason during the application until the evaporation of the solvent, open flames and fires should be kept away from the vicinity. When the drying is finished, which usually takes a few hours where both sides are coated, the zaponized paper does not so easily ignite at an open flame any more or at least not more readily than non-impregnated paper. For coating with and especially for dipping in zapon, a contrivance which effects a convenient suspension and dripping off with collection of the excess is of advantage.

The zapon should be thinned according to the material to be treated. Feebly sized papers are coated with ordinary, i. e., undiluted zapon. For dipping purposes, the zapon should be mixed with a diluent, if the paper is hard and Well sized. The weaker the sizing, the more careful should be the selection of the zapon.

Zapon to be used for coating purposes should be particularly thick, so that it can be thinned as desired. Unsized papers require an undiluted coating.

The thick variety also furnishes an excellent adhesive agent as cement for wood, glass, porcelain, and metals which is insoluble in cold and hot water, and binds very firmly. Metallic surfaces coated with zapon do not oxidize or alter their appearance, since the coating is like glass and only forms a very thin but firmly adhering film, which, if applied on pliable sheet metal, does not crack on bending.

For the preparation of zapon the following directions are given: Pour 20 parts of acetone over 2 parts of colorless celluloid waste—obtainable at the celluloid factories—and let stand several days in a closed vessel, shaking frequently, until the whole has dissolved into a clear, thick mass. Next admix 78 parts of amyl acetate and completely clarify the zapon varnish by allowing to settle forweeks.