Flesh-Meat, or the flesh of animals prepared for food, is an important object of domestic eco-nomy. - In this place, however, we shall communicate only the most proper and effectual ways of preserving such meat in a fresh state, especially in the hot days of Summer, as we treat of its relative salubrity and influence on health, under the distinct heads of Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, etc. as well as under the general bead of Food.

In a work entitled "Miscellanea Curiosa," by Mr. Jones, we find an easy method of preparing flesh-meat, without spices, and with very little salt; yet so as to keep good, and always ready for eating, for two or three years, and in the warmest climates. He gives us-this account of the Moorish Elcholle, made of beef, mutton, or camel's flesh, but chiefly of beef; which is Uniformly cut in long slices, well salted, and suffered to lie twenty-four hours in the pickle. It is then removed from those tubs or jars, into others filled with fresh water; and, when it has lain a night, it is taken out, put on ropes, in the sun and air to dry. When thoroughly dried and hard, it is cut into pieces of two or three inches long, and thrown into a pan, or* cauldron, which is kept ready with boiling oil and suet sufficient to cover it; thus it is boiled, till it be very clear and red on cutting it; when it is again taken out and set to drain. After having undergone this process, it stands to cool, while jars are prepared for storing it;, at the same time pouring upon it the liquor in which it was fried ; and, as soon as it is thoroughly cold, the vessels are closely stopped. Preserved in this manner, it will remain hard, and keep two years : indeed, the hardest is considered as the best and most palatable. Thus it is brought to table by the Moors, who sometimes fry it with eggs and garlic, sometimes stew it and squeeze on it the juice of lemon. It is affirmed to be a very good dish, either hot or cold.

Another method of preserving flesh-meat, especially veal and lamb, is practised in Germany, and consists simply in immersing them in skimmed milk, so as to cover the whole joint. In warm weather, the milk should be changed twice the first day, and once in twenty-four hours ; but, in a cool temperature, it is sufficient to renew it every two or three days. Thus, the meat may be kept in a sweet state for several weeks ; but it ought to be washed in spring water before it is dressed. - Game and beef, however, cannot be preserved in the same manner, and therefore should be wrapped in a clean linen cloth, and buried in a box filled with dry-sand, where it will remain sweet for three weeks, if deposited in an, airy, dry, and cool chamber.

One of the cheapest means of preventing putrefaction in flesh-meat, would be that of covering it with charcoal powder (see vol. i. p 494); but experiments are still wanting to ascertain its effect on animal substances of different kinds; We think, however, there can be little doubt entertained of the successful result. - With respect to the best method of pickling meat, we refer to the articles Beef and Pickle.