Taste, in the animal economy, is one of the five senses, or that faculty which enables all organized beings to discern the various impressions produced by different substances on the tongue and the palate: thus we can distinguish sweet from bitter, and salt from acid.

This sense, being peculiarly refined in man, is carried on by means of numerous nerves connected with the mouth. In healthy persons, the taste is very acute; but, if the papillae, or nervous warts, be weakened, by excess in eating hot and highly - seasoned soups, or other food ; or by drinking spirituous liquors; by indul gence in smoking, etc.; or by age ; the impression of savoury substances is gradually weakened, and this organ at length greatly impaired. The most certain method of preserving such useful sense, consists in adopting the strictest temperance, both with respect to food, and drink: in this manner, we may at all times not only partake with pleasure of our homely provision, but also relish with a superior degree of satisfaction the more luxurious dishes, that may occasionally be introduced at our tables. At all events, it is one of the most humiliating sensations, which daily reminds us of our animal nature.