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Science Books

Books for people interested in Science

-Light Science For Leisure Hours | by Richard A. Proctor
Familiar Essays On Scientific Subjects, Natural Phenomena, Etc. With A Sketch Of The Life Of Mary Somerville.
-Distillation Principles And Processes | by Sydney Young
The volume on "Fractional Distillation" was written in the hope that it would be of assistance to chemists in overcoming the difficulties so frequently met with in the laboratory, not only in the actual carrying out of the fractional distillation of a complex mixture but also in the interpretation of the results obtained.
-Tables Of Refractive Indices. Oils, Fats And Waxes
It is not the province of a Compiler to accept or reject data according to their aspect of verisimilitude or otherwise. For such complex substances as oils, fats and waxes - many of them inevitably mixed with other bodies from the very nature of their commercial production - seemingly discrepant data cannot be rejected off-hand. Indeed, in many cases, when taken in conjunction with the information supplied in the text of the published source, an abnormal figure may be a useful index to the origin of the fatty substance or to the process by which it was obtained.
-The Fundamental Processes Of Dye Chemistry | by Dr. Hans Eduard Fierz-David
Although well aware of the existence of a large literature dealing with laboratory practice, I have written this book because there does not appear to exist a suitable introduction to the fundamental operations of dye chemistry. Ignorance of elementary facts leads in practice to waste of time, which may be redeemed in part by suitable instruction; nor should it be forgotten that many of the essential features of chemical craft may be learnt from books. The manufacture of synthetic colours has attained to such importance that it seems desirable to familiarize the rising generation of chemical technologists with the methods of production of the more important intermediates. With this end in view, I have attempted a description of these methods in a manner which may be helpful even to those unfamiliar with technical operations.
-A Practical Treatise On The Fabrication Of Matches, Gun Cotton, Colored Fires And Fulminating Powders | by H. Dussauce
First, we have shown the present state of knowledge concerning the composition and nature of its pyroxylic products, its ballistic properties, its applications in pyrotechny, surgery, photography, mining, etc.; its preparation, and the accidents which are liable to take place daring this preparation; the accidents no less serious which result from the handling of gun cotton, and its application to fire-arms. Lastly, we have shown the causes of these accidents, the means to prevent them, and the processes of distinguishing gun cotton from ordinary cotton, not only in common use, but also in cases where it will be necessary to proceed to a judiciary inquest. To the fabrication of matches and gun cotton, we have added researches upon a subject well worth the attention of hygienists.
-The Chemistry Of Paints And Painting | by Arthur H. Church
In the present volume the materials and methods of the painter of pictures are viewed mainly from the chemical standpoint. An attempt has been made to treat in orderly sequence the various kinds of painting-grounds, the constituents of vehicles and varnishes, the pigments themselves, and the chief processes of painting. Although the artistic side of the numerous problems discussed has not been neglected, the book is in no way intended to teach manipulation to art students. It has been written with the view of explaining to artists, whether they be accomplished masters or commencing students, the chief chemical and physical characters of the materials with which they deal and of the operations they practise. In many instances a sketch of the processes for preparing certain pigments and varnishes is given, not in order to turn the painter into a colour-maker or a varnish-manufacturer, but rather that he may acquire a clearer insight into the nature and properties of the most important constituents entering into the composition of his pictures...
-Military Pyrotechnics | by Henry B. Faber
The history and development of military pyrotechnics. The manufacture of military pyrotechnics. An exposition of the present methods of manufacture, the materials and machinery used
-The Pyrotechnist's Treasury: Complete Art Of Making Fireworks | by Thomas Kentish
Until within the last few. years there was scarcely any work in English, that I am aware of, on the subject of Pyrotechny, worth reading, with the exception of an Article in "Brewster's Cyclopaedia' by MacCulloch; and this, besides being accessible to only a few, having been published in 1830, made no mention of colours, which form the most beautiful part of the art. In the first year of the present century a treatise was written by a Captain Jones, which has been copied, in whole or in part, into almost every work since published. The greater portion of it is absurd and impracticable, and shows that it was written by a person who undertook to teach what he had not learnt...
-Leaching Gold and Silver Ores. The Plattner And Kiss Processes: A Practical Treatise | by Charles Howard Aaron
This book is written in the endeavor to supply, in some small degree, a want which is severely felt on this coast, namely, that of plain, practical books on metallurgy. In the standard works on this subject, especially in regard to gold and silver, there is a great lack of those practical details which are so essential to the success of the operator, while some of them are characterized by a display of scientific lore which is very discouraging to those whose preliminary education does not enable them to understand it.
-An Introduction To Geology | by William B. Scott
This book had its origin in the attempt to write an introductory work, dealing principally with American Geology, upon the lines of Sir Archibald Geikie's excellent little " Class-Book." In spite of vigorous efforts at compression, it has expanded to its present size, though the difference from the "Class-Book," in this respect, lies not so much in the quantity of matter as in the larger size of the type and illustrations.

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