
Akyab, a town of Burma, the chief seaport of Arakan, is situated on the eastern side of the island of Akyab, at the mouth of the Kuladan River, 190 miles SE. of Calcutta. In 1826, being then a mere fishing-village, it was chosen for the chief station of the province, and now is a great rice port; pop. 43,9S9.


Alabama, one of the United States, touching the Gulf of Mexico, and lying between Georgia and Mississippi. In the south are the Piny Woods; next the fertile Cane-brake or Black Belt; next the mineral region; to the north, part of the fertile valley of the Tennessee. The Alabama and Tombigbee are navigable rivers.

Cotton, maize, oats, wheat, and sweet potatoes are produced; the minerals, including coal and iron, are important; and manufactures are developing. The climate is warm but equable, and save in the Black Belt and near the swamps, healthful. Montgomery is the capital, Mobile the chief port of the state. Area, 51,540 sq. m. - more than England without Wales; pop. (1840) 590,756; (1890) 1,513,017; (1900) 1,828,697, of whom 827,000 were coloured.

Ala Dagh

Ala Dagh, a range (11,000 feet) in the great tableland of Erzeruin, in Turkish Armenia, to the north of Lake Van.


Alago'as, a maritime province of Brazil", bounded on the N. and W. by Pernambuco. Pop. about 520,000. The town of Alagoas, once the capital, has 5000 inhabitants. The present capital is the port of Maceio.


Alais, a town of the French dep. of Gard, on a plain at the base of the Cevennes Mountains, 31 miles NW. of Nimes by rail. It embraced the Protestant cause in the religious wars of France, and was besieged and taken in 1629. Alais owes its prosperity chiefly to the mineral wealth of the surrounding district, which produces coal, iron, lead, zinc, and asphalt; there are large iron-foundries here, and manufactures of silk and ribbons. Pop. 18,500.


Alajuela (A-la-'hoo-ay'la), a city of Costa Rica, Central America, 23 miles WNW. of Cartago, with which it is connected by rail; pop. 10,000.


Alameda (A-la-mai'da), a watering-place of California, on the Bay, 3 miles by steam-ferry E. of San Francisco. Pop. 17,500.


Al'amos, Los ('the poplars'), a town of Mexico, in the state of Sonora, 45 miles E. of the Gulf of California, is famous for its copper and silver mines; pop. 10,000.

Aland Islands

Aland Islands (O'land), a group of 300 small islands and rocks at the entrance of the Gulf of Bothnia, opposite Abo, the largest being situated about 25 miles from the Swedish coast. Only 80 of them are inhabited. The inhabitants are of Swedish origin, skilful sailors and fishermen. Pop. 24,000, of whom two-thirds inhabit the largest island, called Aland, which is 18 miles in length, and contains Bomarsund. These islands, formerly Swedish, were taken possession of by Russia in 1809.


Ala-shehr ('the exalted city,' anc. Philadelphia), a city of Asia Minor, 75 miles E. of Smyrna. It was founded about 200 B.C., and is famous as the seat of one of the Seven Churches of Asia. It is still a place of considerable importance, and carries on a thriving trade with Smyrna, to which it is now joined by a railway. There are many interesting remains of antiquity. Pop. 15,000, including 3000 Greeks.