
Am'lwch (pron. w as oo), a small seaport of Anglesey, North Wales, on the north coast of the island, 21 1/2 miles NNW. of the Menai Bridge by rail (1867). It is a busy but rather dirty town, with the neighbouring rich copper-mines of the Parys Mountain. Till 1885 Amlwch united with Beaumaris, etc. in returning one member. Pop. of parish, 4443.


Ammergau. See Ober-Ammergau.


Amol, a town of Persia, 76 miles NE. of Teheran, on the Heraz, a river which flows into the Caspian; pop. 10,000.


Amoor. See Amur.


Amoy', a seaport of China, on a small island of the same name, in the province of Fukien, 325 miles ENE. of Canton direct. The third in importance of the treaty ports, it was one of the earliest seats of European commerce in China, the Portuguese having had establishments here in the 16th, and the Dutch in the 17th century. In 1841 it was taken by the British, and by the treaty of Nankin, a British consul and British subjects were permitted to reside there. The trade is now open to all nations. The imports are opium, rice, cotton-twist, British long-cloths, beans, peas, umbrellas, clocks, etc.; the exports are tea, sugar, paper, opium, grass-cloths, gold-leaf, etc. Pop. 95,600. The island of Amoy, measuring 9 by 7 miles, has 400,000 inhabitants.


Ampthill, a town of Bedfordshire, 7 miles S. by W. of Bedford. Pop. of parish, 2194.


Amraoti (sometimes Oomrawuttee), a district in Berar, British India, with an area of 2759 sq. m., and a pop. of 675,328. Its capital, Amraoti, is an important cotton-mart, the terminus of a state branch railway; pop. 28,550.


Amritsar (often Umritsir), a well-built city of the Punjab, 32 miles E. of Lahore by rail. It is the religious metropolis of the Sikhs, a distinction which, along with its name (literally, 'pool of immortality'), it owes to its sacred tank, in the midst of which stands the marble temple of the Sikh faith. Founded in 1574, but all of it more recent than 1762, it possesses considerable manufactures of cashmere shawls, cotton, silks, etc, and carries on trade to the annual value of £3,500,000. Pop. (1901) 162,500.


Amroha, a town in the United Provinces of India, 20 miles NW. of Moradabad; pop. 37,000.


Amrum, a north Frisian island off the coast of Sleswick, SW. of Fohr, is a low-lying half-moon of grassy downs, 8 miles long, of late visited as a health-resort. Oysters are taken and wild ducks decoyed. Pop. 1000.


Amsterdam, a manufacturing town of New York, on the Mohawk River. 33 miles NW. of Albany. Pop. 22,000.


Amsterdam, a barren volcanic islet annexed by France, with the islet of St Paul, in 1893, is in 37o 50' S. lat. and 77° 30' E. long., about midway between the Cape of Good Hope and Tasmania.


Amu-Daria. See Oxus.


Amurnath, a cave in Cashmere, amidst the mountains on the north-east boundary. It is an opening in a gypsum rock, 30 yards high, and 20 in depth. Believed to be the residence of the god Siva, it is visited by multitudes of pilgrims.