This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Angers (Ongzhayr; anc. Andegavum), formerly the capital of the duchy of Anjou, and now of the French dep. of Maine-et-Loire, on the navigable Maine, not far from its junction with the Loire, 214 miles SW. of Paris by rail. Angers was the seat of a university (1246-1685), and of a military college, at which the Earl of Chatham and the Duke of Wellington received part of their education. David, the great sculptor, was a native. The castle was built by St Louis about 1250 on a projecting rock above the river. The fine cathedral is also a 13th-century building. Sail-making, wool and cotton spinning, and weaving are carried on. The neighbouring slate-quarries employ 3000 men. Pop. (1872) 54,454; (1891) 70,508; (1901) 82,400.
Anglia, East, a kingdom founded by the Angles about the middle of the 6th century, in the eastern part of central England, in what forms the present counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Angora, or Angwireh (anc. Ancyra), capital of a Turkish province in the mountainous interior of Asia Minor, 220 miles ESE. of Constantinople. It was a flourishing city under the Persians, and was made the capital of the Roman province of Galatia Prima. The present city has 32,000 inhabitants; its trade is mainly in the hands of the Armenians, who number 9000. It is famous for its breed of goats, with beautiful silky hair, eight inches long.
Angostura, capital of the province of Guayana, in Venezuela, on the right bank of the navigable Orinoco, about 240 miles from its mouth. It is built at a pass (angostura), where the river is narrowed by rocks. The town is now more usually called Ciudad Bolivar. Pop. 12,000.
Angouleme, the capital of the French dep. of Charente, and formerly of the province of Angoumois, stands 220 feet above the winding Charente, 83 miles NB. of Bordeaux by rail. It has a fine Romanesque cathedral (1136), and a striking hotel-de-ville, with which is incorporated the remnant of the ancient castle of Angouleme, where was born the celebrated Marguerite of Navarre, author of the Heptameron. Ravaillac was also a native. The old bastions have been converted into fine terrace-walks. There are manufactures of machinery, paper, and wire, and a brisk trade in brandy. Pop. (1866) 24,961; (1891) 34,188; (1901) 37,650.
Angra, the capital of the Azores, a seaport at the head of a deep bay on the south coast of the island of Terceira. Pop. 11,070.
Angra-Pequena, a bay on the south-west coast of Africa, 150 miles N. of the Orange River mouth, on the coast of Great Namaqualand (q.v.). It is the only port of the German South-west African territory; the neighbourhood is a sandy, waterless region, enjoying a healthy climate. In 1883 Angra-Pequena was ceded by a Namaqua chieftain to Luderitz, a Bremen merchant; and next year it was taken under German protection.
Angri, a town of South Italy, 17 miles NW. of Salerno. Pop. 9110.
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