This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Anti-Lebanon. See Lebanon.
Antilles, a term applied to the whole of the West India Islands (q.v.) except the Bahamas. The Greater Antilles are Cuba, Jamaica, Hayti, and Porto Rico; the others are known as the Lesser Antilles.
Antip'aros (anc. Oliaros), one of the middle Cyclades, in the Aegean Sea, close to Paros. It is 13 1/2 sq. m. in area, and has about 700 inhabitants. Rich lead mines were discovered in 1872. Its wonderful stalactite grotto is not alluded to by any classical writer, but has been well known since 1673. At a depth of 918 feet under the entrance, the chief chamber is reached - 312 feet long, 98 wide, and 82 high.
Antisana, a volcano of the Andes, in Ecuador, 35 miles SE. of Quito, 19,335 feet high.
Antiva'ri, a seaport on the coast-district assigned to Montenegro by the Treaty of Berlin in 1878. It was formerly Albanian, and is 18 miles NW. of Scutari. Pop. 1500.
Antofagasta, a port in the Chilian province of the same name. Founded in 1870, it owes its rapid rise to the neighbouring saltpetre deposits, and to the rich mines of Caracoles, with which it is connected by railway. It was taken from Bolivia by Chili in the war of 1879. Pop. 20,100.
Antoninus, Wall of, or Graham's Dyke, a Roman rampart erected in 140 A.D., during the reign of Antoninus Pius, from Carriden on the Firth of Forth to near Old Kilpatrick on the Firth of Clyde. It was 36 miles long, and followed the earlier line of Agricola's forts (81 a.d.). See Waldie's Northern Roman Wall (1883).
Anupshahr, a town of India, in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, on the Ganges, 73 miles SE. of Delhi; pop. 15,000.
Aonlaganj', or Aounlah, a town of India, 21 miles SW. of Bareilly; pop. 14,000.
Aosta (anc. Augusta PrAetoria), a cathedral city of Italy, on the Dora Baltea, 19 miles from the opening of the great St Bernard Pass, and 80 miles NNW. of Turin by rail. St Bernard was archdeacon of Aosta; and here Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, was born. Near by are the celebrated baths and mines of St Didier. Pop. 7672.
Apatin', a town of Hungary, on the left bank of the Danube, 49 miles SW. of Theresiopol; pop. 13,973.
Ap'eldorn, a town of Holland, 17 miles N. of Arnheim. The Loo, a royal hunting-lodge, beloved of William of Orange, is near. Paper-making is the staple industry. Pop. 26,283..
Apenrade (Ah-pen-rah'da), a Sleswick-Holstein seaport, 66 miles NNW. of Kiel. Pop. 7361.
Apia (Ah-pee'a). See Samoa.
Apol'da, a town of Saxe-Weimar, 9 1/2 miles NE. of Weimar by rail. It has manufactures of hosiery, amongst the most important in Germany, besides dye-works, machine-works, and bell-foundries. Pop. 20,850.
Appalachico'la, a river of the United States, rising in Georgia, and flowing through Florida into Appalachicola Bay in the Gulf of Mexico. Reckoning from its remotest sources, it is about 400 miles long, being navigable by steamboats for 70 miles up to the junction of the Chattahoochee with the Flint, where the name of Appalachicola is first given. - Appalachicola is also a cotton-shipping seaport at the mouth of this stream; pop. 3500.
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