Banff (pron. Bamf), the capital of Banffshire, on the Moray Firth, at the mouth of the Deveron, 50 miles NNW. of Aberdeen by rail. On the right bank of the Deveron, 1 1/4 mile ENE., is the fishing-town of Macduff, included since 1832 in the parliamentary burgh. Scarce a fragment remains of the old castle, in which Archbishop Sharp was born; the present castle is a plain 18th-century edifice. Duff House, the seat of the Duke of Fife, was built in 1745 by the elder Adam. The public buildings include a town-house (1796), the county buildings (1871), a lunatic asylum (1865), Chalmers's hospital (1862), and a museum, of which Thomas Edward (1814-86), the 'scotch naturalist,' was long curator. The harbour of Banff is inferior to that of Macduff. With Elgin, Cullen, Inverury, Kintore, and Peterhead, Banff sends one member to parliament. Pop. (1901) 7148 (nearly half in Macduff).


Banff, a health-resort among the grand scenery of the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Park, in the south-west of Alberta and on the Canadian Pacific Railway, with a hot sulphur spring. Pop. 350.