This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Bihacz (Bihatch), a strong fortress-town of North-west Bosnia, on the Una, near the Croatian frontier. Pop. 4506.
Bihar. See Behar.
Bihe, a fruitful district of South Africa, E. of Benguela, and under Portuguese influence. It is an important caravan centre, being traversed by the only trans-continental route south of the Congo. Area, 2500 sq. m.; pop. 95,000. Kag-nomba, the king's capital, is over 3 miles in circumference. See Major Pinto's How I Crossed Africa (1881).
Bijanaghur. See Vijayanagae.
Bijapur (Beejapoor'), a decayed city in the Bombay Presidency, 160 miles SE. of Poona. It was for centuries the capital of a powerful kingdom; in 1686 was captured by Aurungzebe, in the 18th century passed to the Mahrattas, and became British in 1848. Now lofty walls of hewn stone enclose the desolate fragments of a once vast and populous city. The ruins are almost all Mohammedan, and consist of beautiful mosques, colossal tombs, a fort, etc. Pop. 23,800.
Bijawar, a petty native state in the Bundel-khand Agency. Area, 974 sq. m.; pop. 123,285.
Bijbharu', or Bijbahar, a town of Kashmir, India, on the Jhelum, 25 miles SE. of Srinagar.
Bijnaur', a town of the United Provinces, 3 miles E. of the Ganges. Sugar, Brahmanical threads, and cotton cloth are manufactured. Pop. 16,147. - The district of Bijnaur, in the N. of the Rohilkharid division, contains more than a dozen towns with a population of over 5000.
Bikaner', the capital of a Rajput state, lies in a desolate tract, 250 miles WSW. of Delhi. It is surrounded by a battlemented wall of 3 1/2 miles in circuit, and from a distance presents a magnificent appearance; but many of its carved buildings are in narrow and dirty lanes. Pottery, stone-cutting and carving, the making of a white candy and of blankets, are amongst the industries. Pop. 54,000. - The state contains 23,340 sq. m.; pop. 585,000, mainly Jats.
Bil'bilis. See Calatayud.
Bilin', a town of Bohemia, on the Bila, 5 miles SW. of Teplitz. Its mineral springs, rich in native carbonate of soda, are largely sought by sufferers from gastric, catarrhal, or scrofulous complaints. Pop. 7604.
Billericay, an Essex market-town, 4 miles E. of Brentwood. Pop. 1394.
Billingsgate, a fish-market a little below London Bridge. It was opened in 1558 as a landing-place for provisions; and in 1699 was made ' a free and open market for all sorts of fish.' The present handsome stone building was finished in 1874.
Bil'liton, or Blitono, an island in the Dutch East Indies, between the SE. of Banca and the SW. of Borneo. It is about 50 miles in length by 45 broad, 1855 sq. m. in area, and in the north 3000 feet high. Tandjong is the harbour, Pan-dang the chief town. Pop. 48,779.
Billom (Bee-yong'), a decayed town of Auvergne, in the French dep. of Puy-de-D6me, 14 miles ESE. of Clermont. Pop. 3930.
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