Bosco Reale

Bosco Reale (Re-ah'leh), an Italian village, 10 miles ESE. of Naples. Pop. 8190.


Bosna-Serai. See Sarajevo.


Bostan' (El), 'the Garden,'a town of Asiatic Turkey, on the Sihun, 40 miles NW. of Marash. Pop. 8500.

Boston Spa

Boston Spa, a pretty watering-place in the West Riding of Yorkshire, on the Wharfe, 3 1/2 miles NW. of Tadcaster.


Bosworth, or Market Bosworth, a market-town, Leicestershire, 12 miles W. by S. of Leicester. On a moor 2 miles S. Richard III. was defeated and slain (1485). Pop. of parish, 836.


Boszor'meny, a town of Hungary, 10 miles NNW. of Debreczin. Pop. 25,238.

Botany Bay

Botany Bay, a shallow inlet of New South Wales, 5 miles S. of Sydney, discovered by Cook in 1770, and named by him from the number of new plants in its vicinity. In 1787 Botany Bay received England's first penal colony in the east; and though it was supplanted next year by Port Jackson, a better harbour to the north, it long continued to be the popular designation of the Australian convict settlements generally.


Bothnia, Gulf of, that part of the Baltic Sea (q.v.) which lies to the north of the Aland Islands, having on its eastern shore Finland, on the western and northern Sweden and Lapland. It extends from 60° to 66° N. lat. and 17° to 25° 35' E. long., its greatest length being 415 miles, and its average breadth 100 miles. Its depth varies from 20 to 50 fathoms, but both along its shores and in the middle are many islets, sandbanks, etc, which render the navigation difficult. In winter it is usually so hard frozen that it can be crossed by sledges.


Bothwell, a Lanarkshire village, on the Clyde's right bank, 8 miles SE. of Glasgow. Bothwell Brig here was the scene of Monmouth's bloody defeat of the Covenanters in 1679; and a mile from the village are the stately ruins of Both-well Castle, at whose base the Clyde washes the fair scenery of 'Bothwell Bank,' famous for centuries in Scottish song. Held before that by Olifards and Murrays, Bothwell Castle was possessed by the Douglases from 1365 till 1455; and to them it reverted in 1492, being now owned by their representative, the Earl of Home. Both-wellhaugh, 2 miles ESE., gave designation to James Hamilton, assassin of the Regent Moray. Joanna Baillie was a native of Bothwell. Pop. 3015.


Botoshani, a town of Moldavia, on the Shiska, 62 miles NW. of Jassy. Pop. 31,024.


Botzen, or Bozen (Ital. Bolzano), an important trading town of the Austrian Tyrol, on the Eisach, 35 miles NNE. of Trent by the Brenner Railway. It manufactures silk, linen, hosiery, leather, etc. Pop. 13,641.


Bouches-du-Rhone (Boosh-du-Ron; ' mouths of the Rhone'), a dep. in the south-east of France, formerly a part of Provence, with an area of 1971 sq. m. It is divided into the three arrondisse-rnents of Marseilles, Aix, and Aries. Pop. (1872) 554,911; (1891) 630,622; (1901) 734,347.