Brahmaputra (' son of Brahma'), one of the largest rivers of India, rises in Tibet, and, after partially mingling with the Ganges, flows into the Bay of Bengal. From explorations (1878-82) by one of the Asiatics attached to the Indian Survey, it was rendered certain that the Sanpo is the highest source of the Brahmaputra (and not, as had been sometimes said, of the Irawadi). The Sanpo has its rise in Lake Manasowar in Western Tibet, in an elevated tableland, from which also spring the Sutlej and the Indus; flows eastward for 1000 miles on the plateau of Tibet; then, turning SE., it pierces the Himalayas to descend to the valleys of Assam. Here known as Dihong, it unites with the Dibong and the Brahmakunda, the three rivers forming the Brahmaputra, which flows SW. and S. The entire length from the latter source exceeds 900 miles; from the former 1800 miles. The united stream bears along a vast body of water, broken by many islands, and throwing off branches; it flows from NE. to SSW. for about 450 miles, leaves Assam near Dhoobri; flows S. round the Garo Hills; for 180 miles its course is through the plain of East Bengal, till it joins the Padma, or main stream of the Ganges, at Goalanda. Here the conjoint delta of these rivers begins; the great body of its waters flowing SE. reaches the sea by the estuary known as the Meghna. During the rains the Brahmaputra floods hundreds of sq. m. of country, reaching a height of 30 to 40 feet above its usual level. This supersedes artificial irrigation, and the plains so watered yield abundantly rice, jute, and mustard. The Brahmaputra is navigable for steamers to Dibrugarh, 800 miles from the sea.