This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Bujalance (Boo-ha-lan'thay), a city of Andalusia, Spain, 25 miles E. of Cordova. Pop. 11,250.
Bukkur, a fortified island of the Indus, in Bind, between the towns of Rohri and Sukkur.
Bukowina (Booko, ' beechland'), an eastern province of the Austro-Hungarian empire, surrounded by Galicia, Russia, Moldavia, and Hungary. Area, 4035 sq. m.; pop. (1869) 513,404; (1900)730,195, of whom 42 per cent. are Ruthen-ians, 33 Moldavians, and 12 Jews, while 71 per cent. belong to the Greek Church. It is traversed by offsets of the Carpathians, culminating at 6077 feet; gives rise to many rivers flowing towards the Black Sea; and abounds in wood, cattle, horses, and minerals. Capital, Czernowitz.
Bulacan, a port of Luzon, Philippines, 20 miles NW. of Manila. Pop. 14,000.
Bulak. See Boulak.
Bulandshahr, a town in the Meerut division of the United Provinces of India. Pop. 17,500.
Bulawayo, the old capital of Matabeleland, and now chief commercial place in Southern Rhodesia, is 290 miles SW. of Salisbury, and is connected by rail both with Beira (1900) and with Capetown (1897). Pop. 7000 (4000 whites).
Bullers of Buchan. See Buchan.
Bull Bun, a small stream separating Fairfax and Prince William counties in Virginia, 25 miles W. by S. of Washington. It gives name to a battlefield, where on July 21, 1861, and August 29, 1862, the Confederates gained two victories.
Bulsar, a seaport of India, on the estuary of the river Bulsar, 115 miles N. of Bombay by rail. Pop. 14,229.
Bulstrode Park, Bucks, 2 1/2 miles ESE. of Beaconsfield, a seat of the Duke of Somerset.
Bultfontein (Booltfontayn), a place with diamond mines in Griqualand West, E. of Kimberley.
Bulti (Booltee), part of Cashmere (q.v.).
Buncombe, the county of North Carolina whose tedious representative in congress (1819-21) explained when interrupted that he was 'speaking for Buncombe' - hence 'bunkum.'
Buncrana (Bun-krah'na), a Donegal town, on Lough Swilly, 12 m. from Londonderry. Pop. 1316.
Bundaberg, a sugar port of Queensland, 272 miles N. of Brisbane. Pop. 5000.
Bundelkhand ( Boondelkhund), a region of Upper India, between the Chambal and the Jumna. It includes five districts of the British NW. Provinces (Banda, Jalaun, Jhansi, Lalitpur, and Hamirpur); also the ' Bundelkhand Agency,' a subdivision of the Central Indian Agency, which is a group of 30 native states. Principal towns - Kalpi, Jhansi, Kalinjar, Banda, Jalaun, Chhatarpur, Datia.
Bundi, a native state of Rajputana; area, 2225 sq. m.; population, 180,000, nearly all Hindus. Chief town, Bundi (pop. 20,000).
Bundo'ran, a watering-place on Donegal Bay, 4 miles SW. of Ballyshannon. Pop. 896., Bungay, a market-town of Suffolk, on the Waveney, 6 miles W. of Beccles. It grew up around the 12th-century castle of the Bigods, Earls of Norfolk, some ruins of which still remain; but mostly it is later than the great fire of 1688. It has a large printing establishment. Pop. 3560.
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