This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Canaan ('low-land'), the name originally applied to the low coast-land of Palestine on the Mediterranean, inhabited by the Canaanites (strictly so called), as opposed to the mountain-land. Later it became extended to the whole country, yet only to the part west of the Jordan, the part east of Jordan being contrasted with it as the 'Land of Gilead.'
Canadian River, a shallow tributary of the Arkansas, rising in the NE. part of New Mexico, and running 900 miles generally eastward through Texas and Indian Territory to the Arkansas. Its largest tributary is the Rio Nutria, or North Fork of the Canadian, which runs parallel to the main stream for about 600 miles.
Canandaigua, the capital of Ontario county, New York, at the north end of Lake Canandaigua, 28 miles SE. of Rochester by rail. Pop. 6168.
Cancale (Kongkahl'), a bathing-place in the French dep. of Ille-et-Vilaine, 8 miles ENE. of St Malo, on Cancale Bay, famous for its oysters. Pop. 3723, or with the port, La Houle, 6578.
Candahar. See Kandahar.
Candeish. See Khandesh.
Candia is the name of a town of Crete (once the capital), and was long the only name by which the island was known in Western Europe. The city of Candia stands on the north coast of the island, north of Mount Ida. Its harbour is sanded up. Pop. 22,800. See Crete.
Candy. See Kandy.
Canea (anc. Cydonia), present capital and chief commercial town of Crete, on the north-west coast, with a fine harbour. Pop. 24,500.
Canelones (Kan-ay-lo'nez), a dep. of Uruguay. Area, 1827 sq. m.; pop. 86,750. Capital, Guade-lupe, 30 m. N. of Monte Video by rail; pop, 3000.
Canicatti, a town of Sicily, on the Naro, 24 miles ENE. of Girgenti by rail. Pop. 19,599.
Canna, one of the Inverness-shire Hebrides, 12 miles SW. of Skye, and 3 NW. of Rum. It rises to 800 feet, and is 4 1/2 miles long, 1 mile broad, and 4 1/2 sq. m. in area. With the adjoining island of Sanday (1 sq. m.) its population in 1841 was 225; it is now under 100, mostly Catholic.
Cannro, an ancient town of Apulia, Southern Italy, near the mouth of the Aufidus (now Ofanto), and l 1/2 mile N. of the modern Canosa. Here, in 216 B.C., Hannibal defeated the Romans with prodigious slaughter.
Cannanore, a seaport and cantonment of Malabar, Madras, 50 miles N. of Calicut. Pop. 27,818.
Cannock, a town of Staffordshire, 8 miles NNW. of Walsall. Cannock Chase abounds in important iron industries. Pop. (1851) 2099; (1871)6650; (1901)23,992.
Cannstatt, a town of Wurtemberg, on the Neckar, 3 miles NE. of Stuttgart. Of Roman origin, it has much-frequented mineral springs, and manufactures of iron, cottons, tobacco, etc. Pop. (1875) 15,064; (1900) 26,500.
Canonble, a Dumfriesshire Border parish on the Esk, 16 miles N. by E. of Carlisle. Coal is found.
Canosa (anc. Cannsium), a town of Southern Italy, 13 miles SW. of Barletta. It has a castle-crowned hill and a cathedral (1101-1825). Pop. 24,200. See CannAe.
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