This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Corfu, the most northerly and important of the Ionian Islands (q.v.), at the entrance to the Adriatic, separated from Albania by a channel 2 to 12 miles broad. It is 40 miles long, 3 1/2 to 20 miles broad, and culminates in Pantocrator (2997 feet). Area, 270 sq. m.; pop. 126,000. The surface is largely covered with luxuriant groves of olive, cypress, and ilex. The principal products are olives and wine, oranges, citrons, figs, carob, silk, and honey. The minerals are sulphur, salt, coal, and marble. The principal town, Corfu (pop. 28,328), is finely situated on the east coast, and has a good harbour. It is the seat of a Greek archbishop and of a Catholic bishop, and has a royal palace, an Ionian academy, founded by Lord Guildford in 1823, with a library of 35,000 volumes, a gymnasium, theatre, etc. The ancient name of the island is Corcyra, but from its shape it was also called Drepane, or ' sickle.'
Cori (Coree; anc. Cora), a town of Italy, 30 miles SE. of Rome. Pop. 7450.
Corigliano (Cor-eel-yah'no), an Italian town, 4 miles from the Gulf of Taranto. Pop. 12,271.
Coringa, a decayed seaport of Madras, at the northern mouth of the Godavari River, 8 miles S. of Cocanada. Pop. 4397.
Corleone (Cor-le-o'neh), a town of Sicily, 21 miles S. of Palermo. Pop. 14,441.
Corneto (Cor-neh'to), a picturesque, mediaeval-looking town of central Italy, 12 miles N. of Civita Vecchia by rail, and 3 from the Mediterranean. Pop. 7175. It rose out of the ruins of the Etruscan city of Tarquinii.
Cornhill, a Northumberland village, l 1/2 mile ESE. of Coldstream.
Corniche. See Riviera.
Coming, capital of Steuben county, New York, on the Chemung River, 15 miles by rail WNW. of Elmira, with foundries, glass-works, etc. Pop. (1880) 4802; (1900) 11,061.
Corno, Monte. See Gran Sasso d'Italia.
Coro, a town of Venezuela, 210 miles WNW. of Caracas, near the Golfete de Coro. Pop. 8881. Its port is La Vela, 7 miles NE. by rail.
Coromandel Coast, a name used vaguely for the major part of the eastern coast of the province of Madras, on the Bay of Bengal. The name is probably a corruption of Cholamandalam, ' country of the Cholas,' an old Dravidian people.
Coronation Gulf, an inlet connected with the Arctic Ocean, south of Victoria Land, in 68° 30' N. lat., and 110° W. long.
Coronea, a town of Bœ;otia, where in 447 b.c. the Boeotians defeated the Athenians, and in 394 Agesilaus the allied Greeks.
Corra Linn. See Clyde.
Corran Narrows, the strait between Loch Linnhe and Lower Loch Eil.
Correze (Cor-rehz'), a French dep. formed out of the old province of Limousin, and taking its name from a river, the Correze, flowing 52 miles SW. to the Vezere, a tributary of the Dordogne. Area, 2265 sq. m.; population, 305,000. The surface attains in Mont Odonze 3129 feet. The dep. is divided into the three arrondissements of Tulle (the capital), Brive, and Ussel.
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