
Desmond, a former district of Munster, comprising the counties of Cork and Kerry.


Desna, a navigable river of Russia, rising in Smolensk province, and flowing 550 miles SE. and SW. to the Dnieper, almost opposite Kiev. It receives the Seim and the Snov.


Despoblado (Span., 'desert'), a treeless, uninhabited plateau, nearly 10,000 feet above the sea, on the Bolivian and Argentine frontier, to the north-east of Antofagasta.

Despoto Dagh

Despoto Dagh. See Rhodope.


Dessau (Des'soiv), a town of Germany, capital of the duchy of Anhalt, on the Mulde's left bank, near its junction with the Elbe, 70 miles SW. of Berlin. Its principal building is the fine ducal palace (1748). Pop. 52,000.


Desterro, an important port of Brazil, on the N. coast of the island of Santa Catharina, 240 miles NE. of Porto Alegre. Pop. 30,700.


Detmold, capital of the German principality of Lippe, on the Werre, 47 miles SW. of Hanover by rail. It has an old castle, a modern palace, and manufactures of tobacco, cards, and carved work. On a hill 2 miles off is Bandel's colossal statue of Arminius (1875). Pop. 12,250.


Detroit, the chief commercial city and port of entry of Michigan, on the Detroit River, 125 miles by water, and 178 by land, NW. of Clevsland, Ohio, and 2S4 ENE. of Chicago. Detroit is substantially built upon rising ground, its streets are broad, well paved, and shaded with trees; it is well supplied with the best of water; and its fire, police, and school departments are excellent. The principal manufactures include iron products, machinery, railroad cars, flour, malt liquors, cigars, leather, boots and shoes, etc. The public buildings embrace a Catholic cathedral, a city-hall erected at a cost of $600,000, a Board of Trade building, a United States marine hospital, etc. Detroit is among the oldest places in the United States. It came into possession of the French in 1610, was transferred to the British in 1763, and in 1796 passed to the United States. It was incorporated as a city in 1824. Pop. (1870) 79,577; (1880) 116,340; (1900) 285,704.

Detroit River

Detroit River, so called, on whose northwestern bank stands Detroit City, is the strait through which the waters of Lake St Clair and of the great upper lakes of the St Lawrence system flow into Lake Erie, and thence to the Atlantic. It is 20 miles in length, and at Detroit forms an excellent harbour.


Dettingen (Dei'ting-en), a village of Bavaria, 10 miles NW. of Aschaffenburg by rail. Here, on 27th June 1743, George II. of England, commanding English, Hanoverians, and Austrians, defeated the larger French army under the Due de Noailles. - There is another Dettingen (pop. 3519) in Wurtemberg, 10 miles E. of Reutlingen.


Deutschbrod (Doitch-brod), a town in Bohemia, 15 miles from the Moravian frontier. Here in 1422 the Hussite general Ziska defeated the Emperor Sigismund. Pop. 6436.