This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Dordrecht. See Dort.
Dorking, a pleasant old-fashioned market-town of Surrey, stands in a picturesque valley near the base of Box Hill (590 feet), 24 miles SSW. of London. Its new church, with a spire 210 feet high, is a memorial to Bishop Wilberforce, who met his death riding over the Downs near Dorking (1873). Deepdene, the lovely seat of ' Anas-tasius' Hope, where Beaconsfield wrote Coningsby, is close by. Since 1904 there is a bishop-suffragan. Pop. 7800.
Dornbirn, an Austrian town in the Vorarlberg, 7 miles S. of Bregenz. Pop. 13,100.
Dornoch (Dor'nohh), county town of Sutherland, 40 miles NNE. of Inverness, stands near the entrance to Dornoch Firth, which, running 22 miles inland, separates Sutherland from Ross-shire. It has splendid golf-links, handsome county buildings, and the former cathedral of the see of Caithness (1245), which, burned in 1570, was rebuilt for the parish church in 1837. The last witch burned in Scotland suffered at Dornoch in 1722. It was made a royal burgh in 1628, and with Wick, etc. returns one member. Pop. 614.
Dorogoi (Dorohoi), a town of Roumania, in the extreme north of Moldavia, on the Shishja, 70 miles NW. of Jassy. Pop. 14,000.
Dorp, a manufacturing place in Rhenish Prussia, on the Wupper, now forming part of the town of Solingen.
Dor'pat (or Derpt, Russian Jurjev), a town in the Russian province of Livonia, on the Embach, here crossed by a fine granite bridge, 165 miles (247 by rail) SW. of St Petersburg. The Dom-berg Hill was formerly occupied by the citadel, cathedral, and bishop's palace, on whose site now rise an observatory, the university library, schools of anatomy, etc, with tasteful gardens; and close by are the other university buildings and the town-house. The university, founded in 1632 by Gustavus Adolphus, was re-established by Alexander I. in 1802, and since 1887 has been thoroughly Russianised. It has five faculties, above 70 teachers, and about 2000 students. There is a notable botanical garden. Dorpat was a Hanse town in the 14th and 15th centuries, and until 1704 was alternately captured by Swedes, Poles, and (finally) Russians. It possesses large printing establishments, breweries, and manufactories of cigars, tiles, and pianofortes. Pop. 42,500 - 80 per cent. German.
Dort, or Dordrecht, a Dutch town on an island formed by the Maas, 10 miles SE. of Rotterdam by rail. An inundation in 1421, which destroyed over 70 villages and drowned 100,000 people, separated its site from the mainland. Founded in 1013, it is one of the oldest, as it once was the richest of the trading towns of Holland. Among its chief buildings are a Gothic cathedral (1363) and a fine town-hall (1339). The largest East-Indiamen, and gigantic wood-rafts which come down the Rhine from the Black Forest and Switzerland, are accommodated in its roomy harbour. Close by are shipyards, corn and saw mills, and manufactories of oil, sugar, ironwares, and machinery. Pop. (1874) 25,577; (1901) 38,800. Here in 1572, the revolted States of Holland held their first assembly; and here in 1618-19 sat the Protestant Synod of Dort, which condemned the doctrines of Arminius. The brothers De Witt, Cuyp, and Ary Scheffer were natives; of the last there is a statue (1862).
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