This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Ferryden, a Forfar fishing-village, at the South Esk's mouth, opposite Montrose. Pop. 1382.
Ferryport. See Tayport.
Fesa, or Fasa, a town of Persia, 60 miles SE. of Shiraz. Pop. 18,000.
Festiniog, a village of Merionethshire, North Wales, 22 miles by rail WNW. of Bala, and 3 1/2 S. of Blaenau-Festiniog. Standing amid waterfalls and mountains (the loftiest Moelwyn, 2529 feet), it is a great tourist centre. Blaenau-Festiniog, 27 miles SSW. of Llandudno Junction, and 13 NE. of Port Madoc by the 'Toy Railway' (1869), is a town of recent growth, inhabited chiefly by slate-quarrymen. Population (1851) 3460 ; (1881) 11,274; (1901) 11,435.
Fettercairn, a Kincardineshire village, 12 miles NNW. of Montrose. Pop. 358.
Fettes College (Fet'tez), a fine Gothic public school (1870), on the N. side of Edinburgh.
Fichtelgebirge (Fihh'tel-ge-beer'geh, g's hard), a mountain-system of NE. Bavaria, once covered with pines (Fichte, 'pine'), the watershed of the Elbe, Rhine, and Danube. It culminates in Schneeberg (3461 feet) and Ochsenkopf (3334).
Fidra, an islet with a lighthouse, 24 miles WNW. of North Berwick.
Field Place. See Horsham.
FiesolO (Fyay'zo-lay; Lat. Fœsulœ), one of the most ancient of Etruscan cities, 3 miles NE. of Florence. It has a cyclopean wall, a Roman amphitheatre, a cathedral (1028), etc. Pop. 2000.
Fife Ness, the eastmost point of Fife, is a low headland. A mile NNE. in the sea is the dangerous Carr Reef, with (since 1886) a lightship.
Figeac (Fee-zhak'), a town in the French dep. of Lot, 32 miles ENE. of Cahors. Pop. 5770.
Figueira (Fee-gay'ee-ra), a watering-place in the Portuguese province of Beira, at the mouth of the Mondego, 23 miles W. by S. of Coimbra. Pop. 5470.
Figueras (Fee-gay'ras), a town in the north-east corner of Spain, 25 miles N. of Gerona by rail, below the fortress of San Fernando. Pop. 12,170.
Filey, a rising watering-place on the east coast of Yorkshire, 9 miles SE. of Scarborough by rail, occupies a picturesque site on cliffs overlooking Filey Bay. It has a spa and an ancient cruciform church. Pop. (1851) 1511; (1901) 3003, engaged mainly in fishing.
Finchley, a Middlesex urban district, 7 1/4 miles NNW. of London. Pop. 22,126.
Findhorn, (1) a beautiful Scottish river, rising among the Monadhliath Mountains at an altitude of 2800 feet, and running 62 miles north-eastward through Inverness, Nairn, and Elgin shires, till it enters the Moray Firth at Findhorn village by a triangular lagoon, 2 miles long and 2 3/8 wide. Its waters abound in salmon and trout. At one place it rose nearly 50 feet in the disastrous floods of August 1829, known as the 'Moray floods.' - (2) An Elginshire seaport, 5 miles N. of Forres. Pop. 486.
Findlay, capital of Hancock county, Ohio, 37 miles SW. of Fremont, with foundries, flour-mills, etc. Pop. (1880) 4633; (1900) 17,613.
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