This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Ghent (Flem. and Ger. Gent, Fr. Gand), a city of Belgium, capital of the province of East Flanders, is situated at the confluence of the Lys and the Scheldt, 34 miles by rail NW. of Brussels. It is divided by canals into 26 islands, connected by 270 bridges, and is encompassed with gardens and meadows. It is in general well built; in the older part it retains several quaint and picturesque houses. Among the chief buildings are the splendid cathedral of St Bavon, of the 13th and 14th centuries, containing the 'Adoration of the Lamb,' by the brothers Van Eyck ; the belfry (1183-1339), 280 feet high, or 375 with the iron spire of 1855; the new citadel (1822-30); thehotel-de-ville (1480-1628); the Palais de Justice (1835-43); the university (1816); the Beguinage ; and the Academy of Painting. The industries include cotton, woollen, and linen manufactures, besides leather, lace, sugar, iron, beer, etc. Specially noteworthy is the floriculture of Ghent. By the Great Canal, which flows into the Scheldt, Ghent is united with the sea, and it can receive into its docks vessels drawing 17 feet of water. The harbour is capable of holding 400 vessels, new docks having been opened in 1881. Pop. (1846) 102,977 ; (1902) 162,925. Ghent, which in the 12th century was made the capital of Flanders, and which in 1830 fell to Belgium, was the birthplace of Jacob van Artevelde and of John of Gaunt, i.e. Ghent.
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