Haileybury College

Haileybury College, 2 miles SE. of Hertford, was erected in 1809 as a cadets' training-college, by the East India Company, and in 1862, four years after the transference of the Company's powers to the crown, was reopened as a public school for 500 boys. See works by Higgen (1887) and Monier Williams (1894).


Hailsham, a market-town of Sussex, 11 miles E. by S. of Lewes. Pop. of parish, 4200.


Hainan, an island of China, the southernmost land of the empire, lying between the Gulf of Tongking and the China Sea, and 15 miles S. from the mainland. It measures 150 miles (from SW. to NE.) by 100. The centre and south of the island are mountainous. The island is purely agricultural. The capital is Kiung-chow (pop. 40,000), whose port, Hoi-how (15,000), 3 miles distant, has been open to foreign trade since 1876. Pop. 2,500,000, the plains being inhabited by Chinese (1,500,000), the interior by the aboriginal Les. Eight to ten thousand Chinese emigrants leave Kiung-Chow every year for Singapore and Bang-kok. Gold exists. The island is subject to earthquakes and typhoons. See B. C. Henry's Ling-Nam (1886).


Hainault (formerly spelt in a perplexing variety of ways from Haysneaultx to He'no; pron. Hay-no ; Ger. Hennegau), a southern province of Belgium. Area, 1437 sq. m.; population, 1,200,000, principally Walloons. The surface consists in the north and west of flat and fruitful plains; the south is occupied by spurs of the Forest of Ardennes. The principal rivers are the Haine - from which the province has its name - the Scheldt, the Dender, and the Sambre, the last a tributary of the Meuse. Toward the south and south-east, in the neighbourhood of Mons and Charleroi, are very extensive coalfields. Iron is also produced. The capital is Mons. From the 9th century Hainault was a countship, embracing both French and Belgian Hainault. French Hainault (now the dep. of Nord) was separated in 1659. For Hainault Forest, see Epping.


Hainburg, a walled town of Austria, on the Danube, 27 miles ESE. of Vienna. Identified with the ancient Carnuntum, it figures in the Nibelungenlied. Pop. 6857.


Hainichen, a Saxon town, the centre of the German flannel manufacture, 13 miles NE. of Chemnitz. Pop. 8053.


Haiti. See Hayti.


Hajipur, a river-port of Bengal, on the Gandak, just above its confluence with the Ganges opposite Patna. Pop. 21,387.


Hakodate, the chief port of Yezo in Japan, on a peninsula in the Strait of Tsugaru, is built partly on the inner slope of the Gibraltar-like hill (1200 feet) which dominates the strait, partly on the low sandy peninsula connecting the hill with the main island. It has a magnificent harbour, is (since 1859) one of the open ports of Japan, and exports seaweed, sulphur, beche-de-mer, salted salmon, etc. Pop. 85,650.


Hal, a town in South Brabant, 9 miles by rail SSW. from Brussels. Pop. 12,290.