This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Hastings (A.S. HAestingas), a parliamentary, municipal, and county borough and famous watering-place of Sussex, is picturesquely situated on the shore, and surrounded by high cliffs on all sides except the south, which is open to the sea. By rail it is 33 miles E. of Brighton, and 62 SSE. of London. It consisted formerly of only two streets, intersected by a small stream called the Bourne, but is now a large place, whose resident population is doubled during the holiday season. Since the middle of the 19th century the borough has been greatly extended, and some portions of the hills which shelter the town contain several fine streets and terraces. The breezy esplanade, over 3 miles in length, forms one of the finest sea walks and drives in the kingdom. The climate is dry, mild, and equable, and the bathing very good. During cold weather in winter and spring the place is a resort for pulmonary patients, being sheltered by the hills inland from easterly and northerly winds. The drainage is good; the water-supply pure and abundant; and salt water is laid on for watering the streets and for bath purposes. The corporation have purchased the East and West Hills, fine open plateaus commanding beautiful land and sea views, and admirably adapted for golf and other outdoor sports. There are three large public gardens, and an extensive Alexandra Park, opened by the Prince and Princess of Wales in 1882. Hotels are plentiful, and several large and flourishing schools have been established, the Hastings centre taking a large place in the Oxford and Cambridge local examinations. One of the great attractions of the town to visitors is the handsome pier (1872), extending 900 feet from the parade, and having a spacious pavilion at the sea, with accommodation for between 2000 and 3000 persons. A similar pier (1890) is at St Leonards, about a mile westwards. The ' premier Cinque port' is one of the three richest fishing-stations on the south coast. The castle, now in ruins, was built by one of the followers of William the Conqueror. Hastings (since 1885) returns only one member. Pop. of parliamentary borough (1881);47,619; (1901) 62,913 - 65,528 in the municipal borough, extended in 1897. For the battle of Hastings, see Battle; and see also works by W. D. Cooper;(1862) and Montagu Burrows (1888).
Hastings, the capital of Adams county, Nebraska, 151 miles SW. of Omaha. Pop. 17,190.
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