Hull, or Kingston-on-Hull, a river-port, a parliamentary and municipal borough, and (since 1897) a city and county of itself, is situated in the East Riding of Yorkshire, in a low, level plain on the north bank of the Humber, here 2 miles wide, and here joined by the Hull, 42 miles ESE. of York and 173 N. of London. Of churches the most notable are Holy Trinity, Decorated and Perpendicular in style, with a central tower 140 feet high; and St Mary's Lowgate (1333), one-half of which was removed to make room for the mansion-house of Henry VIII., who stayed here in 1540. Both were restored by Sir G. G. Scott. The most important educational establishments are Hull and East Riding College; the Hull grammar-school (1486), where Andrew Marvell was educated; and Trinity House School (1716), which gives a nautical education; besides the Literary and Philosophical Society, the Royal Institution, etc. An equestrian statue (1734) of William III. stands in the market-place, and in Junction Street is a column (1834) surmounted by a statue of Wilberforce, who was a native, as also was Mason the poet. The Trinity House, instituted in 1369 for decayed seamen, was rebuilt in 1763, and the Charterhouse, an endowed institution for the poor, in 1645. There are three prettily laid out public parks. A town-hall, Italian Renaissance in style, was opened in 1866, as also was a new exchange. There are also a spacious jail (1869), a new post-office (1877), the Theatre Royal (1873), the dock-office (1871), public baths (1850), a new market-hall (1887), and the James Reckitt Free Library (1889). The docks and basins, comprising an area of upwards of 200 acres, have been constructed since 1774. The Victoria Dock (1850-64) covers 20 acres, exclusive of two large timber ponds and tidal basins which cover 9 acres. The Albert Dock (24 1/2 acres) was opened in 1869; and the Alexandra Dock (40 acres) in 1883. Hull was one of the first ports in England to engage in the whale-fishery, an enterprise now abandoned ; but its fisheries employ, in conjunction with those of Grimsby, large fleets of boats, attended by steam auxiliaries. Hull is a principal steam-packet station, and ocean-steamers ply regularly to many of the principal ports of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Russia, Germany, Scandinavia, America, Australia, and India. It is the great outlet for the woollen and cotton goods of the midland counties, and the chief entrepot for German and Scandinavian oversea trade. Hull ranks third among British ports in the value of its trade, its imports exceeding £32,000,000, and its exports £20,000,000. Shipbuilding yards are in operation ; and, in addition to iron ships, important ironclads have been built here. The chief manufactures are ropes, canvas, chain, chain-cables, machinery, etc. Many mills of various kinds are carried on, as well as chemical factories, tanneries, and sugar-refineries. Seed-crushing for oil is also an important staple industry. Constituted the free borough of Kingston-on-Hull by Edward I. in 1299, the town owed much to its great merchant-house, the De la Poles, whose head, Michael, in 1385 was created Earl of Suffolk. In 1642 the refusal of its governor, Sir John Hotham, to admit Charles, marked the outbreak of the Civil War, during which Hull was twice besieged by the royalists. It was made the seat of a suffragan bishop in 1534, and again in 1883. In April 1893 it was the scene of the strike of 8000 dockers. Since 1885 Hull has returned three instead of two members to parliament. Pop. (1851) 84,690 ; (1901, extended in 1897) 240,259.


Hull, the chief town of Ottawa county, Quebec, is on the Ottawa River, opposite Ottawa City, with which it is connected by a suspension bridge. It was almost entirely burnt down in 1900, but was quickly rebuilt. Pop. 14,000.