
Jyhoon. See Oxus.


K2. See Godwin- Austen.


Kadiak, a wooded, mountainous island off the S. coast of Alaska. It contains good harbours, and has an area of 3465 sq. m. Pop. 1482 Eskimos, engaged in the salmon-fishery.


Kaffa (anc. Theodosia or Feodosia), a Russian seaport, on a bay on the east side of the Crimea, 62 miles B. by N. of Simferopol. It is defended by walls and a citadel, and has the ruined palace of the Khans of the Crimea, a Greek cathedral, and, near by, an Armenian monastery (1442). Soap and caviare, camel-hair carpets, and sheepskin rugs are manufactured ; and here is the only oyster-fishery in Russia. Pop. 27,500.


Kaffraria, properly the country inhabited by the Kaffirs or Caffres, who inhabit the B. of Cape Colony, Natal, Swaziland, Zululand, etc.; but usually restricted to the coast-districts between the Great Kei River (Transkei) and the Natal frontier. British Kaffraria was the country from the Great Kei westward to the Keiskamma, some time an independent colony after being wrested from the Kaffirs in the war of 1846-47, but ultimately incorporated with Cape Colony. Neither Kaffraria nor British Kaffraria is now an administrative division.


Kafiristan, a mountainous region of Asia, lying between the Kabul River on the south and the Hindu Kush on the north-west; its eastern and western boundaries are formed by the Chitral and Panjshir rivers respectively, feeders of the Kabul. Area, 5000 sq. m. ; pop. 200,000, primitive Aryan heathens, of many tribes, united only by their hatred of Mohammedans. See Leitner's Kafiristan (Lahore, 1881).


Kagoshi'ma, a town of Japan, on a large bay of the same name, at the south end of Kiu-siu Island, with manufactures of pottery and porcelain, arms, and cotton. Population, 55,000. It was bombarded by a British fleet in 1863.

Kaieteur Fall

Kaieteur Fall. .See Essequibo.


Kai-fung, capital of the Chinese province of Honan, near the southern bank of the Hoangho, where the great inundation occurred in 1887, long the chief settlement of the Jews in China. Pop. 100,000 - many Mohammedans.


Kailas. See Ellora, Indus.


Kaira, capital of a district in northern Gujarat, 20 miles SW. of Ahmedabad by rail. Pop. 10,640.


Kairwan', a decayed walled town of Tunis, in an open, marshy plain, 80 miles S. of the capital. It contains about fifty ecclesiastical structures, of which the mosque of Okba, who founded Kairwan about 670, is one of the most sacred of Islam. Outside the city, to the northwest, is the mosque of the Companion - i.e. of the Prophet; this and other sacred tombs have rendered Kairwan ('caravan') the Mecca of northern Africa. As such, it has been jealously guarded from defilement by the presence of Jews and for the most part of Christian travellers ; but it was entered and investigated by the French in 1881, and is now under their protection. Kairwan makes copper vessels, potash, carpets, and articles in leather. Population, 25,000. See works by Rae (1877), Broadley (1882), and Boddy (1885).