Kerry, a maritime county of SW. Ireland, in the province of Munster, is bounded N. by the Shannon estuary, and W. by the Atlantic. Area, 1853 sq. m. or 1,185,918 acres, of which less than one-tenth is under crops. One-fourth is barren mountain-land, and more than 11 per cent. bog and marsh. Maximum length, N. to S., 67 miles; maximum width, 55 miles. Its coast-line, 220 miles long, is fringed with islands, of which the chief are Valentia, the Blasquets, and the Skelligs; and is deeply indented by Kenmare, Dingle, and Tralee Bays. The principal mountain group is Macgillicuddy's Reeks, whose summit, Carran Tual (3414 feet), is the highest in Ireland. The rivers are short. The county contains many lakes, those of Killarney (q.v.) being of exquisite beauty. The climate is mild, but moist, especially on the coast. Iron, copper, and lead ores abound, but are not much worked. Slate and flagstone are quarried in Valentia. The coast fisheries employ nearly 2000 men and boys. Since 1885 Kerry returns four members. Pop. (1841) 293,880; (1871) 196,014; (1901) 165,331, nearly all Roman Catholics.