
Kissingen (Kis'sing-en), the most popular watering-place in Bavaria, on the Saale, 60 miles E. byN. from Frankfort-on-Main. Its three mineral springs (51° F.) are both drunk and used as baths, and are considered specially efficacious in cases of dyspepsia, skin-diseases, gout, etc. ; and the waters are largely exported in bottles. Though their existence was known in the 9th century, it was not until the 16th century that their medical properties were recognised, and not until the 19th that they came into high repute. The pop. (5000) is increased by an annual influx of 13,000 to 14,000 visitors.


Klstna, or Krishna, a river of southern India, rises in the Western Ghats within 40 miles of the Arabian Sea, at a height of 4500 feet, in 18° 1' N. lat., and flows 800 miles E. across the peninsula to the Bay of Bengal. It forms for some distance the boundary between the Nizam's dominions and Madras Presidency, and has a delta extending 100 miles inland. It is only navigable for 50 miles and during six months.

Kits Coity House

Kit's Coity House, the best-known dolmen in England, 1 1/2 mile NW. of Ayles'ford, Kent. Three upright blocks of sandstone 8 feet high support a ' covering stone' 12 feet long.


Kiu-kiang, or Chiu-chiang, a Chinese treaty-port on the Yang-tsze-kiang. Pop. 53,000.


Kiung-chow, chief city of Hainan (q.v.).


Kizil-Irmak (' red river;' anc. Halys), the largest river of Asia Minor, rises 70 miles above the town of Siwas, and curves 560 miles SW. and NNE. to the Black Sea.


Kizil-Kum ('red sands'), a sandy desert in Russian Turkestan, lying between the lower courses of the Amu-Daria and Syr-Daria.


Kjobenhavn. See Copenhagen.


Klagenfurt (Klagenfoort, g hard), capital of the Austrian duchy of Carinthia, 262 miles SW. of Vienna. Pop. 24,500.


Klausenburg (Hungarian Kolozsvar), one of the chief cities in Transylvania, 95 miles by rail E. by S. of Grosswardein. Here are a university (1872) and a Unitarian College. Pop. 50,000.


Klausthal (Klowstal), the chief mining-town of the northern Harz Mountains, 25 miles NE. of Gottingen. The ores raised are silver, lead, copper, and zinc. Pop. 9000, or, with Zellerfeld, 20,000.


Klondike, or Klondyke, a small tributary of the Yukon River in the Canadian district of Yukon, separated from the North-west Territories in 1895. The Klondike (properly Thron-duick, ' plenty of fish') gives name to an extraordinarily rich auriferous region, partially known in 1873. Gold-mining was being carried on on the Lewis and Stewart rivers when in 1896 gold was found on the Klondike in such abundance as to cause the desertion of the adjoining diggings and to create a rush from Europe. Dawson, where the Klondike enters the Yukon River, is 60 miles east of the Alaskan (U.S.) frontier.


Kluchevskaya. See Kamchatka.


Knapdale, an Argyllshire district, bounded N. by the Crinan Canal.