This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Ladybank, a police-burgh of Fife, 5 1/2 miles SW. of Cupar. Pop. 1350.
Ladysmith (see also Ladismith), a town of 6000 in Natal, 140 miles NW. of Durban. Here in 1S99-1900 the British forces under Sir George White were invested by the Boers for 120 days, till relieved by Sir Redvers Buller.
Laeken (La'ken), a northern suburb of Brussels, containing the royal palace (1782), with valuable works of art and historical documents. Pop. (1902)31,350.
Lafayette, in Indiana, on the Wabash River, is 63 miles NW. of Indianapolis. It contains the Purdue state university, and manufactures farming-implements, machinery, cars and wagons, etc. Pop. 20,000.
Lagan, a river of Ulster, flowing 35 miles to Belfast Lough at Belfast.
Laggan, a hamlet and parish of Inverness-shire, 11 miles WSW. of Kingussie, on the Spey. Loch Laggan, 7 miles farther to the SW., is 7 miles long, and discharges by the Spean to the Lochy. Between Laggan and Kingussie is Cluny Castle, seat of the chief of the Macphersons.
Lago Maggiore. See Maggiore.
Lagos, a seaport on the south coast of Portugal, 30 miles ENE. from Cape St Vincent. Pop. 7900. In the Bay of Lagos Boscawen defeated the French Toulon fleet in 1759.
Lagos, a British colony and protectorate on the Guinea coast of Africa. The colony comprises the islands of Lagos and Iddo (annexed in 1861), and about 140 miles of coast between Dahomey and Southern Nigeria. Area, 3460 sq. m. - The protectorate (arranged 1901) extends to the French possessions on the Middle Niger, and has an area of 25,240 sq. m. The total population is about 1,500,000. Lagos island is 3|sq. m. in area; at its W. end stands Lagos town (pop. 40,000), the only safe harbour for 1000 miles.
La Guaira. See Guaira.
La Hague, the north-west extremity of the peninsula ofCotentin (q. v.) over against Aklerney. It is crowned by a lighthouse, 158 feet high.
Lahn, an important affluent of the Rhine in its middle course.
La Hogue, a roadstead on the east side of the peninsula of Cotentin (q.v.). On May 19, 1692, the French fleet under Tourville, which Louis XIV. had collected to invade England for James II., was defeated here by the English and Dutch fleets under the Jacobite Admiral Russell.
Lahr, a town of Baden, on an affluent of the Rhine, 20 miles SSE. of Strasburg. Pop. 15,000.
Laibach (Li-bahh), capital of the Austrian province of Carniola, on the Laibach, 92 miles NE. of Trieste. Pop. 36,691.
Laing's Nek, a defile in the Drakenberge Mountains, Natal, 16 miles from the N. point of its frontier. Here the Boers defeated the British forces under Colley, January 28, 1881.
Lairg, a Sutherland village, on the Shin, 67 miles by rail N. by W. of Inverness.
Lake of the Thousand Islands, an expansion of the St Lawrence (q.v.) extending about 40 miles below Lake Ontario. It contains some 1500 rocky islets, the largest, Wolfe Island (48 sq. m. ; pop. 2383), measuring 21 miles by 7.
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