This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Lake of the Woods, a lake of North America, studded with wooded islands, in 49° N. lat. and 95° W. long. It is mostly in Ontario, but extends into Manitoba and Minnesota. Nearly 100 miles long, and 300 in circuit, it is fed by the Rainy River, and drained by the Winnipeg.
Lakhnao. See Lucknow.
Laleham, a Middlesex village, on the Thames, 2 miles SSE. of Staines. Matthew Arnold was born and is buried here.
Lalitpur, capital of adistrictin the United Provinces of India, 55 miles S. of Jhansi. Pop. 12,000.
La Mancha. See Mancha.
Lambay, an island of Dublin county, 3 miles SE. of Rush. It measures 1 1/2 by 1 mile, and rises 418 feet. Pop. 61.
Lambayeque (Lam-ba-yeh'ke), a province of Peru, with an area of 17,939 sq. m., and a pop. of 85,984. - The capital, Lambayeque, is 7 miles from the mouth of the river Lambayeque, and 128 miles NW. of Trujillo. Pop. 8300.
Lambeth, a metropolitan and parliamentary borough S. of the Thames, but within the county of London, has an area of 6 1/2 sq. in. Since 1885 it returns four members, its pop. (1901) being 301,895. Lambeth Bridge dates from 1862. Lambeth Palace has been the official residence of the archbishops of Canterbury since 1197. It contains a splendid series of portraits of the archbishops, and a library of 30,000 volumes, with many fine MSS. The Lollards' Tower, so named in comparatively modern times from the notion that heretics were here imprisoned, was really a water tower. It dates from 1434. See the Rev. J. Cave-Browne's Lambeth Palace (1883).
Lambourn, a Berkshire town, on the river Lambourn, 7 miles N. by W. of Hungerford. Pop. of parish, 2238.
Lamlash', an Arran village, 5 1/2 miles S. by E. of Brodick, on a beautiful bay protected by Holy Isle (1030 feet high). Pop. 315.
Lammermoors, a broad range of moorish hills in Haddington and Berwick shires, extending east-north-eastward from the vale of Gala Water to the German Ocean at St Abb's Head, and culminating in Lammer Law (1733 feet).
Lampedu'sa, a small Mediterranean island, 150 miles S. of Sicily, and 80 E. of Tunis. Belonging physically to Africa, it has since 1843 been reckoned part of Sicily. Pop. 1074.
Lam'peter, a market-town of Cardiganshire, 27 miles by rail NNE. of Carmarthen. It is the seat of St David's College (1827), which was founded by Bishop Burgess, and has power to grant B.A. and B.D. degrees. Pop. 1769.
Lan'ark, the county town of Lanarkshire, on a slope near the right bank of the Clyde (q.v.), 33 miles by rail SW. of Edinburgh, and 31 SE. of Glasgow. It has an interesting ruined church, a large Catholic chapel (1859), the county buildings (1836), a good racecourse, memories of Wallace, and some weaving and other industries. A royal burgh since the 12th century, it unites with Falkirk, etc. to return a member to parliament.
Pop. (1851) 5008 ; (1901) 6567. - New Lanark, 1 1/2 mile S. by W., is a manufacturing village, founded in 1783 by David Dale, and for twenty-eight years the scone of the social experiments of his son-in-law, Robert Owen. Pop. (1831) 1901; (1901) 795.
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