
Lochma'ben, a market-town of Annandale, Dumfriesshire, 10 miles by rail NE. of Dumfries. It stands amid seven lochs, two of which contain the rare vendace, and has a town-hall (1878), with a statue in front of it of Robert Bruce, and the Bruces' ruined castle. A royal burgh, it unites with Dumfries, etc. to return one member. Pop. 1050. See W. Graham's Lochmaben (1865).


Loch'winnoch, a Renfrewshire village, at the SW. end of Castle-Semple Loch, 17 miles WSW. Of Glasgow. Pop. 2130.


Lochy, an Inverness-shire loch, 10 miles long, through which the Caledonian Canal (q.v.) passes; and the river (8 miles) that issues from it. Also a Perthshire stream which flows 15 miles to the Dochart near its influx into Loch Tay.


Lock'erbie, a market-town, with a great August lamb-fair, in Annandale, Dumfriesshire, 15 miles BNB. of Dumfries and 26 NW. of Carlisle. It has a conspicuous town-hall (1891). Pop. 2361.

Lock Haven

Lock Haven, capital of Clinton county, Pennsylvania, in a beautiful mountain-valley, on the south bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, 69 miles NE. of Altoona by rail. It contains a state normal school, foundries, tanneries, machine-shops, and mills. Pop. 7358.


Lockport, capital of Niagara county, New York, on the Erie Canal, 25 miles NNE. of Buffalo by rail. The canal here passes through a deep channel, cut in the solid limestone, and falls 66 feet, by ten combined double-locks. Its surplus water drives lumber, flour, woollen, and cotton mills, besides foundries, machine-shops, etc. Pop. 17,500.


Locle (Locl), a Swiss town, 10 miles NW. of Neuchatel, is one of the chief seats of the Swiss watch-making industry. Pop. 12,464.


Loddon, a Norfolk village, 10 1/2 miles SE. of Norwich. Pop. of parish, 1069.


Lodeve (anc. Luteva), a town in the French dep. of Herault, at the foot of the Cevennes, 43 miles by rail NW. of Montpellier. A bishop's see till 1790, it has a cathedral, founded in 950, but rebuilt in the 14th century. Cardinal Fleury was a native. Pop. 7761.


Lodl, a town of North Italy, on the Adda, 18 miles by rail SE. of Milan. It has a 12th-century cathedral; manufactures of linens, silks, and Majolica porcelain; and a great trade in cheese and wine. Pop. 28,6S9. - At Lodi Vec-chio, a ruined village, 4 miles W., Bonaparte in 1796 forced the long, narrow bridge in the face of a tremendous fire from the Austrian batteries.


Lodomerla (Lat. for Vladimir), formerly an independent principality in Volhynia, and, since the partition of Poland in 1772, part of the Austrian 'kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria.'


Lodore', a famous waterfall at the head of Derwentwater.


Lodz, sometimes called 'the Manchester of Poland,' lies 76 miles SW. of Warsaw on a branch railway. It consists chiefly of one main street, 6 miles or more long, and has over 120 manufactories making cotton and woollen stuffs. Pop. (1870) 39,078 ; (1881) 49,592 ; (1905) with an en-largeinent of the boundaries, 315,S00.