
Mad'eley, a Shropshire town, on the Severn, 6 miles NE. of Much Wenlock, and within the municipal limits of Wenlock, with ironworks and coal and iron pits. Pop. 10,000.


Mad'ison, (1) the capital of Wisconsin, founded in 1836 on an isthmus between Lakes Mendota and Monona, 82 miles W. of Milwaukee. It contains the state capitol, university (founded in 1849, and open to both sexes), and lunatic asylum, and has manufactures of flour, farming implements, machinery, etc. Pop. 19,426.-(2) Capital of Jefferson county, Indiana, on the Ohio River, 86 miles by rail SSE. of Indianapolis. It has flour-mills, boiler and engine works, steamboat-yards, and manufactories of furniture and leather, besides pork-packing establishments. Pop. 7936.


Madron, a Cornish town, 2 miles NW. of Penzance. Pop. 3755.


Madu'ra, a maritime district of India, in the south of Madras Presidency, is bounded E. by the Gulf of Manaar; it has an area of 8808 sq. m., and a pop. of 2,908, 404. For nearly 2300 years Madura, its chief town (pop. above ]02,000), was the capital of the southernmost part of India.


Madura, a barren island of the Dutch East Indies, separated by a narrow strait from the north-east of Java (q.v.). Area, with some eighty smaller islands, 2040 sq. m. ; pop. 1,773,948.


MAeander (now Bojuk Mender), the ancient name of a river of Asia Minor, rising in Phrygia, and flowing 240 miles WSW. to the Aegean at Miletus. Its windings, proverbial since Cicero's day, are after all nothing remarkable.

Maelstrom(' grinding stream '), a famous whirlpool or rather current between Moskenas and Mosken, two of the Lofoden Isles (q.v.). The strait is regularly navigated at high tide and low tide, though in one place the water is always rough; and in high winds is dangerous. Tales (such as Poe's) of ships sucked down into the vortex are mere fables.


Maeshowe, a chambered mound in the Mainland of Orkney, 9 miles WNW. of Kirkwall. It is 36 feet high and 92 in diameter, and probably belongs to the Stone Age.


Maesteg, a town of Glamorganshire, on the Llynvi, 9 miles NW. of Bridgend. Pop. 15,020.


Mafeking (Ma-fe-king'), in the NE. corner of British Bechuanaland, near the Transvaal frontier, and on the railway (1894) from Capetown to the northward - the future 'Cape to Cairo railway ;' famous for its defence by Baden-Powell in the Boer war of 1899-1902.


Mafra, a town of Portugal, 20 miles NW. of Lisbon. Pop. 3020. The palace here (1717-31), now a barrack, contains 866 rooms, and a library of 50,000 vols.


Magadoxo, or Mukdishu, a port on the east coast of Somaliland, 250 miles NE. of the mouth of the Juba River ; pop. 5000.


Mag'dala, anciently a village of Palestine, on the west shore of the Sea of Galilee.


Magdala (Mag-dah'la), a hill-fortress of Abyssinia, 300 miles S. of Annesley Bay on the Red Sea, stood perched on a plateau 9110 feet above sea-level; the stronghold of Theodore, taken and destroyed by the English expedition in 1868 under Napier, created Lord Napier of Magdala.