This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Mantine'a, an ancient city of Arcadia, in the Peloponnesus, on the river Ophis. Here Epamin-ondas fell in the moment of a great victory over the Spartans, 362 b.c.
Manytch. See Asia, p. 52.
Manzanares. See Madrid.
Manzanilla, (1) a port of Mexico, on a fine bay opening to the Pacific, 31 miles by rail WSW. of Colima. Pop. 4000. - {2) A port on the south coast of Cuba. Pop. 15,000.
Mapledurham, (1) Hampshire, 2 miles SW. of Petersfield, the seat of Gibbon the historian. - (2) Oxfordshire, on the Thames, 3 1/2 miles NW. of Reading, a fine Tudor mansion (1523).
Mar, an ancient district of Scotland, between the Dee and the Don, comprising nearly the south half of Aberdeenshire, and subdivided into Brae-mar, Midmar, and Cromar.
Maracaybo (Marakibo), a fortified city of Venezuela, on the west shore of the strait which connects the lake and gulf of Maracaybo. It is a handsome town, with many gardens and squares, a college, theatre, German club-house, etc. The trade is chiefly in the hands of Germans, Danes, and North Americans. The staple exports are coffee, boxwood, lignum vitsAe, cedar, and other woods, hides and skins. Pop. 44,284. - The Gulf of Maracaybo is a wide inlet of the Caribbean Sea, connected with the fresh-water Lake of Maracaybo, which is shut in by lofty mountains, and though deep is difficult of entrance by reason of a bar.
Maragha, a town of western Persia, 55 miles S. of Tabriz. Pop. 15,260.
Marajo, a low, fertile island (17,860 sq. m.) between the Amazon and Para estuaries.
Maranham', or Maranhao, a maritime state of Brazil, bounded N. by the Atlantic. Area, 177,566 sq. m.; population, 431,000. - The chief city is Maranham, or San Luiz de Maranham, on an island between the mouths of the Mearim and Itapicuru. It has a cathedral, a technical school, sugar and cotton factories, and docks that admit ships drawing 14 feet. The exports are cotton, sugar, hides, gum, balsam, cotton-seed, india-rubber, etc. Pop. 40,000.
Mar anon. See Amazon.
Marash, a town of Asiatic Turkey, 80 miles NE. of Alexandretta, its port. It is a market for Kurt carpets and embroideries. Hittite antiquities have been discovered. Pop. about 50,000.
Mar'athon, a village on the east coast of ancient Attica, 22 miles NE. of Athens. It stood in a plain 6 miles long and from 3 to 1 1/2 miles broad, between the sea and the mountains, and saw the great defeat of the Persian hordes of Darius by the Greeks under Miltiades (490 B.C.).
Marazi'on, or Market-Jew, a Cornish watering-place, on Mounts Bay, 3 1/4 miles E. by N. of Penzance. Pop. of parish, 1342.
Marblehead, a seaport of Massachusetts, 18 miles NE. of Boston. Pop. 9202.
Marburg (Mar'boorg), a quaint old town in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau, on the Lahn, 59 miles by rail N. of Frankfort. It is built on a terraced hill, whose summit is crowned by a stately castle, dating from 1065, in which was held in 1529 a conference between the Wittenberg and the Swiss reformers. The fine Gothic church with two towers 243 feet high, was built in 1235-83 by the Teutonic Knights over the splendid shrine of St Elizabeth. The university occupies new Gothic buildings of 1879. It was founded in 1527 for the Reformed Church ; and among its earliest students were Patrick Hamilton and William Tyndale. It has 800 to 1000 students. Pop. 18,000. - (2) A town of Austria-Hungary, on the Drave, 30 miles NE. of Gratz. It is the seat of a bishop, and has notable schools and manufactories. Pop. 24,500.
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