Milwau'kee, capital of Milwaukee county, Wisconsin, and the largest city in the state, is situated on the west shore of Lake Michigan, at the common mouth of three improved and navigable rivers, which, with a canal, supply 20 miles of dockage. It is 85 miles by rail N. of Chicago, and overlooks Milwaukee Bay, which has a width of 7 miles and contains a harbour of refuge. The parked and terraced bluffs have an average height of 80 feet above the water. Mil waukee is built with light yellow bricks, and hence called 'the Cream City.' The streets are wide and lined on either side by magnificent elms. The public parks contain some 600 acres, and are connected by wide boulevards. The street railway lines are operated by electricity, and the streets mainly lighted by arc lights. A new and vast system of intercepting sewers is in operation, and the river is flushed by means of a huge tunnel from the lake, built at a cost of $250,000. In 1889 two new railway passenger depots were built at a cost of $200,000 each ; and more recent undertakings have been a new government building to cost $2,000,000, a new city-hall, and a public library and museum building. The public library contains 100,000 volumes. In 1888 was completed the Layton Free Art Gallery, the gift for which, exclusive of the value of pictures and statuary, was $300,000. Milwaukee, founded in 1835, is essentially a manufacturing city, chief products being lager beer, flour, pork, engines, machinery, iron and brass goods, etc. In October 1892 there was a tremendous fire. Pop. (1870) 71,440; (1880) 115,578; (1900) 285,315 (64,000 Germans).