This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Misiones (Meezio'nes), an Argentinian territory, lies between the Uruguay and the Parana, and is bounded on all sides but the SW. by Brazil and Paraguay. Area, 20,823 sq. m.; pop. 30,000. Capital, Posadas (pop. 3000), on the Parana.
Missolonghi (Missolong'gee; g hard), a Greek seaport, on the N. shore of the Gulf of Patras, 24 miles W. of Lepanto. A modern place, built on a swampy flat, it was vainly invested by the Turks in 1821-22 ; in 1825-26, after ten months of resistance, its garrison, reduced from 5000 to 3000 fighting-men, cut their way through the enemy, carrying with them a great number of the women and children. There is a statue (1835) over the grave of Bozzaris, and one (1881) of Lord Byron, where his heart is interred. Pop. 8324.
Missouri River. See Mississippi.
Mistassini (Mistassee'nee), Lake, in Labrador, 100 miles long by 12 broad, and some 300 miles N. by W. of Quebec, is an expansion of the Rupert, which flows into Hudson Bay.
Mistretta, a town of Sicily, near the north coast, 60 miles ESE. of Palermo. Pop. 12,235.
Mitau (Mitow'), the capital of the Russian government of Courland, on the right bank of the Aa, 27 miles by rail SW. of Riga. Founded in 1271 by the Teutonic Knights, and annexed to Russia in 1795, it has a castle, begun by Biron in 1738, and a museum. Pop. 39,615.
Mitcham, a village of Surrey, 8 1/2 miles by rail SW. of Victoria Station, London, lies in the centre of a district in which flowers and aromatic herbs (roses, lavender, camomile, etc.) are extensively grown. Pop. of parish, 15,127.
Mitchell, capital of Davison county, South Dakota, 70 miles by rail W. of Sioux Falls, has a foundry and machine-shop, flour-mills, packinghouse, etc. Pop. 5000.
Mitchelstown, a market-town of County Cork, Ireland, 11 miles N. of Ferinoy, scene of a memorable riot in 1887 ; 7 1/2 miles NE. there are stalactite caves. Pop. 2100.
Mito, a town of the main island of Japan, near the coast, 70 miles NE. of Tokyo. Pop. 33,800.
Mitrovicza, a town of Austria-Hungary, 24 miles SSW. of Peterwardein. Pop. 11,520.
Mittweida (Mit-vi'da), a town of Saxony, 11 miles by rail N. by E. of Chemnitz. Pop. 10,120.
Mitylene. See Lesbos.
Moate, a Westmeath market-town, 18 miles SW. of Mullingar. Pop. 1280.
Mobangi. See Congo.
Moberly, in Missouri, 148 miles WNW. of St Louis, is in a rich coal country. Pop. 10,000.
Mocha (usu. Mokka), a decayed seaport, once the capital of Yemen in Arabia, on the Red Sea, 130 miles WNW. of Aden. From early in the 16th c. until the middle of the 17th, Mocha was the port whence the coffee of Yemen ('Mocha coffee') was principally exported. Pop. 5000.
Modbury, a town of Devon, 12 miles E. of Plymouth. Pop. of parish, 1206.
Mod'ica, an inland town of Sicily, 45 miles SW. of Syracuse. Pop. 48,390.
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