This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Mourna Mountains. See Down.
Mourzouk. See Fezzan.
Mousa, a Shetland island, 11 miles S. by W. of Lerwick. Here is a very perfect 'broch,' or dry-built circular tower, 42 feet high, with walls 15 feet thick.
Mousehole (Mouz'l), a Cornish village, 2 miles S. of Penzance. Here died Dolly Pentreath (1686-1788), the last speaker of Cornish.
Moville, a seaside resort in County Donegal, on Lough Foyle, 19 miles NNE. of Londonderry. Off it New York steamers pause for the tender with and for mails. Pop. 1217.
Moy, a market-town of Tyrone, on the Black-water, 6 1/2 miles N. of Armagh. Pop. 484.
Moydart. See Moidart.
Mozdok, a town of Russian Caucasus, on the Terek, 58 miles N. of Vladikavkaz. Pop. 14,008.
Mozuffernugger. See Muzaffarnagar.
Msket, or Mtsketha, capital of the old Georgian kings, now little more than a village, stands on the south side of the Caucasus, 10 miles NNW. of Tiflis. Its cathedral dates from the 4th century.
Mtzensk, a town of Russia, 31 miles by rail NE. of Orel. Pop. 15,067.
Much Wenlock See Wenlock.
Much Woolton (i.e. 'Great Woolton'), a town of Lancashire, 6 miles SE. of Liverpool. Near it are large quarries. Pop. 4745.
Mudki (Moodkee), a Punjab village, 26 miles S. of the Sutlej, between Firozpur and Karnal. Here, in 1845, Sir Hugh Gough repulsed the Sikhs.
Muhlberg, a town of Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe, 36 miles SE. of Wittenberg. Pop. 3441. Here, on 24th April 1547, Charles V. defeated the Elector of Saxony.
Muhlhausen (Mulhow'zen), a town of Prussian Saxony, on the Unstrut, 25 miles by rail NNW. of Gotha. An imperial free city in the 13th century, it came finally to Prussia in 1815 ; it has manufactures of woollen and cotton goods, hosiery, etc. Pop. 35,000.
Muirkirk, a town of Ayrshire, 26 miles E. by N. of Ayr, and 720 feet above sea-level. It is the seat of great ironworks (1787). Pop. 3929.
Mukden, or Moukden, capital of Manchuria, is situated in the southern part of the country, on a branch of the river Liao, 425 miles NE. of Peking. The Chinese call it Shingking. In 1625 Nurhachu, the founder of the present Chinese dynasty, made it his capital. It was the scene of severe fighting in the war of 1904-5. Good coal exists in the vicinity. The port is Newchwang (q.v.) Pop. 250,000.
Mukdishu. See Magadoxo.
Mulgrave Castle, the seat of the Marquis of Normandy, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, 4 miles W'. of Whitby.
Mulgrave Islands, a name given to some of the Marshall Islands (q.v.) from their discoverer, the navigator Lord Mulgrave (1744-92).
Mulhacen. See Sierra Nevada.
Mullingar', the chief town of Westmeath, 50 miles WNW. of Dublin by rail, on the Royal Canal and the river Brosna. It is a trading town, has infantry barracks, and is a centre for anglers. Pop. 4500.
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