This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Muyscas. See Colombia.
Muzaffarnag'ar, a town in the United Provinces, 80 miles NE. of Delhi. Pop. 23,450.
Muzaffarpur', a Bengal town, on the Little Gan-dak, 140 miles N. by rail of Patna. Pop. 45,620.
Mycale (Mi'ka-lee), a promontory of ancient Ionia, over against Samos; in the channel between, the Greeks defeated the Persian fleet, 479 b.c.
Myce'nAe, a very ancient city in the northeastern part of Argolis, in the Peloponnesus, built upon a craggy height. It was the capital of Agamemnon's kingdom, and the principal city in Greece. About 468 b.c. it was destroyed by the inhabitants of Argos, and never rose again to its former prosperity. In Strabo's time its ruins alone remained ; these are still to be seen in the neighbourhood of Kharvati, and are noble specimens of Cyclopean architecture. The most celebrated are the ' Gate of Lions,' chief entrance to the ancient Acropolis, and the 'Treasury of Atreus.' Excavations by Schliemann in 1876-89 brought to light another subterranean treasury and ancient tombs containing terra-cottas, vases, weapons, gold death-masks, etc. See Schlie-mann's Mycenœ and Tiryns (trans. 1877).
Mysia, a district of ancient Asia Minor, having the Propontis (Sea of Marmora) on the N., and the Aegean on the W.
Mzensk, a town in the Russian government of Orel, 200 miles SSW. of Moscow. Pop. 15,067.
NHAS (Nayce or Nay'as), a garrison town of Kildare, 20 miles SW. of Dublin by rail. Once the capital of Leinster, it obtained charters from Henry V., Elizabeth, and James I., but was disfranchised at the Union. Pop. 3835.
Nabha, a Sikh principality of the Punjab, E. of Patiala ; area, 928 sq. m. Pop. 298,200.
Nablus (Na-bloos'; corrupted from Gr. Nea-polls; anc. Shechem), a town of Palestine, between Mounts Ebal and Gerizim. The Samaritans' religious centre, it was Justin Martyr's birthplace.
Nadder, a Wiltshire stream, flowing 18 miles E. to the Avon at Wilton.
Nadiad. See Nariad.
Nad'iya, a town of Bengal, on the Bhagirathi River, 63 miles N. of Calcutta. Pop. 14,105.
Naga Hills, a mountainous district of British India, the south-eastern extremity of Assam, with an area of 5710 sq. m. and a pop. (1891) of 122,867 aboriginal Nagas and other semi-savages.
Nagar. See Bednor.
Nagasaki (Nagasah'kee), a seaport of Kyushu, Japan, for two centuries the only Japanese gate of communication with the outer world. Its harbour, famous for its beauty, is a narrow inlet about 3 miles long. Near its head is the low, fan-shaped island of Deshima, to which from 1637 to 1859 the Dutch traders were limited. The great Takashima coal-mine is on an island 8 miles to seaward. Nagasaki has a fine dockyard and patent slip. Pop. (1892) 60,581; (1905) 156,500.
Nagina (Nagee'na), a town in the United Provinces, 48 miles NVV. of Moradabad. Pop. 20,503.
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