Newcastle Emlyn

Newcastle Emlyn, a Carmarthenshire town, on the Teifi, 26 miles NNW. of Carmarthen. Pop. 855.


Newcastleton, a Roxburghshire village, on Liddel Water, 21 1/4 miles S. by W. of Hawick. Pop. 820.


Newcastle-under-Lyme, a parliamentary and municipal borough of Staffordshire, on the Lyme brook, and in what used to be the Lyme Forest, 16 miles NNW. of Stafford and 147 by rail NW. by N. of London. Pop. (1801) 4604; (1901) 19,914. Amongst new public buildings are the town-hall (1890) and the high school (1876). The high school was reconstructed in 1874; its distinctive features are the study of natural science and modern languages. The parish church, Early English and Decorated, was rebuilt in 1876 from designs of Sir Gilbert Scott, and has a quaint old square tower of red sandstone, and a tine peal of bells. Brewing, malting, and the making of paper and army clothing (formerly hats) are industries, whilst the district is noted for its potteries and coal-mines. Of the castle all traces have disappeared. The town now returns only one M.P. (two from 1353 till 1885).


New-chwang, the port of Manchuria, and a treaty port since 1858, stands on the river Liao, 20 miles from its mouth and 120 from Mukden. Vessels are, however, obliged to load and discharge at Ying-tzu, at the mouth of the river, now called also by the name of the old city farther up, a greatly decayed place. Ying-tzu imports cotton, woollen, and silk goods, sugar, paper, metals, opium, tobacco, etc, and exports beans, silk, ginseng, skins, and horns. The port is closed four or five months with ice. Pop. 60,000.

New Cumnock

New Cumnock. See Cumnock.

New England

New England, the six Eastern States of the United States of America - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut - embracing an area of 65,000 sq. m. The people, distinctively known as Yankees, are celebrated for industry and enterprise. The joint pop. is now about 6,000,000.


New'ent, an old market-town 8 miles NW. of Gloucester. Pop. of parish, 2500.

Newera Elia

Newera Elia, better Nuwara Eliya, the sanatorium of Ceylon, near Mt. Pedrotallagalla, on a plain 6240 feet above the sea. Pop. 6000.

New Galloway

New Galloway, a royal (till 1885 also parliamentary) burgh of Kirkcudbrightshire, 25 miles W. of Dumfries. Close by was born Mr S. R. Crockett, the novelist. Pop. 374.

New Granada

New Granada. See Colombia.

New Hanover

New Hanover, one of the Bismarck Archipelago, lying off the north-east coast of New Guinea, with an area of 570 sq. m.

New Harmony

New Harmony, a village (pop. 1495) of Indiana, 28 miles by rail NW. of Evansville, was first settled in 1815 by a German community of religious socialists, called Harmonists. In 1824 the village was purchased by Robert Owen for his community, which failed after three years.


Newhaven, a Sussex seaport, at the mouth of the Ouse, 8 1/2 miles E. of Brighton and 56 S. of London, noted for its steamboat traffic, particularly to Dieppe (5 1/2 hours). It has a large fort (1864-69)and a little Norman 12th-century church, with an east tower and small semicircular apse. Pop. (1851) 1358 ; (1901) 6772.


Newhaven, a fishing-village of Midlothian, on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, 1 mile WNW. of Leith, and 2 miles N. of Edinburgh. Dating from about 1490, it has a tidal harbour, reconstructed in 1876-77 at a cost of £10,000, and is famous for its fish dinners and fishwives. Pop. of parish (1841) 2103 ; (1901) 7636.