This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Philippsburg, a town of Baden, on the Rhine's right bank, 16 miles N. of Carlsruhe. Fortified until 1800, it was often besieged. Pop. 2922.
Philipstown, a market-town of King's County, 49 miles W. by S. of Dublin, took its name from Queen Mary's consort, Philip of Spain. Pop. 780.
Phillipsburg, a city of New Jersey, on the Delaware River (crossed by two railroad bridges), opposite Easton, at the western terminus of the Morris Canal, and 73 miles W. of New York by rail. It contains a rolling-mill, foundries, boiler-and locomotive-works, etc. Pop. 10,100.
PhocAea, the most northerly of the Ionian cities in Asia Minor, stood on a peninsula between the gulfs of Elais and Smyrna.
Phocis, a province of ancient Greece, west of Bœ;otia, and N. of the Gulf of Corinth. With Phthiotis it forms a province of modern Greece.
Phoenix, since 1891 the capital of Arizona, in the Salt River valley, 35 miles N. by a branch-line from the Southern Pacific railway, and 890 miles SE. of San Francisco. Pop. 5600.
Phoenix Park. See Dublin.
Phœnixville, a town of Pennsylvania, on the Schuylkill River, 28 miles NW. of Philadelphia. Here are the extensive works of the Phoenix Iron Company and the Phoenix Bridge Company. Other manufactures are cotton goods, stockings, shirts, needles, pottery, etc. Pop. 9200.
Phrygia (Fridj'ia), a country in Asia Minor, which at the time of the Persian invasion comprised the districts of Lesser and Greater Phrygia - the former stretching along the shores of the Propontis and the Hellespont to Troas (afterwards part of Mysia), the latter occupying the centre of Asia Minor.
Phthiotis, the south-east corner of Thessaly, the home of Achilles.
Piana Dei Greci (Piah'na Day-ee Greh'chee), a town of Sicily, 10 miles SW. of Palermo. It was the chief Albanian colony in Sicily in the 15th century. Pop. 8847.
Piatigorsk, a town in Russian Caucasia, at the southern foot of Mount Beshtau (4587 feet), facing Mount Elburz, and 124 miles by rail NW. of Vladikavkaz, with warm sulphur-springs (83.7o to 117.5° F.). Pop. 18,665.
Piatra, a town of Moldavia, 60 miles W. by S. of Jassy, on the Bistritza, at the foot of the Carpathians, has a trade in timber. Pop. 20,000.
Piauhy, a maritime province of northern Brazil, of which Paranahyba (q.v.) is the principal town- Piazza (Peeatz'a), an episcopal town of Sicily, 16 miles SE. of Caltanisetta. Pop. 27,038.
Plc'ardy (Picardie), an ancient province in the north of France, bounded W. by the English Channel, and now forming the dep. of Somme, with portions of Aisne and Pas-de-Calais.
Pic du Midi (Peak du Meedee'), a summit of the Pyrenees, 9466 feet high, in the south-east corner of the French dep. of Basses-Pyrenees.
Pichincha (Pitcheen'tcha; 'boiling mountain'), the most populous province of Ecuador, embraces the Quito plateau and its slopes. Area, 8300 sq. m.; pop. 205,000. The active volcano of Pichincha, 8 miles NW. of Quito, the chief town, has five peaks, two of which (15,918 feet) Mr Whymper ascended in 1880. The enormous crater, nearly a mile across at the top, and 1500 feet at the bottom (which is 2500 feet below), is said to be the deepest in the world.
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