Port Adelaide

Port Adelaide. See Adelaide.


Portadown, a market-town of Armagh, Ireland, on the Bann, 6 miles S. of Lough Neagh and 25 by rail SW. of Belfast. It trades in farm-produce, and manufactures linen, cambric, and sheeting. Pop. (1871) 6735; (1901) 10,046.

Portage City

Portage City, capital of Columbia county, Wisconsin, at the head of navigation on the Wisconsin River, and on the ship-canal to the Fox River, 177 miles NW. of Chicago. It has grain-elevators and ironworks, and manufactures leather, boots, clothing, etc. Pop. 5430.

Portage la Prairie

Portage la Prairie, the market-town of a rich agricultural district in Manitoba, on the Assini-boine River, 56 miles by rail W. of Winnipeg. It has flour-mills and grain-elevators, a brewery, a biscuit-factory, a paper-mill, etc. Pop. 3900.


Portarlington, a market-town, partly in King's County, but chiefly in Queen's County, on the Barrow, 44 miles by rail SW. of Dublin. It was named from the Earl of Arlington, to whom Charles II. granted it. William III. planted in it a colony of French and Flemish Protestants. Until 1885 it returned an M.P. Pop. 1950.

Port Arthur

Port Arthur, the terminus of the eastern division of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on Thunder Bay, an arm of Lake Superior, 993 miles by rail WNW. of Montreal. Pop. 5500.

Port Arthur

Port Arthur, or Lushunko, a naval station and arsenal on the extremity of the rocky Man-churian peninsula of Liao-tung, which stretches southward between the Gulf of Pe-chi-li and the Yellow Sea. The port, which had been fortified by German engineers, was taken by the Japanese from China in 1894, but in 1898 it, with Ta-lien-wan (Dalny), was 'leased' to Russia, enormously strengthened, and made the main terminus of the Siberian railway system. In the Russo-Japanese war (1904-5) it was again taken by the Japanese (2d Jan. 1905), after a memorable siege of eight months, the most severely contested on record. Its English name is derived from a surveying officer who was here in 1860.


Port-au-Prince (Por-to-Prangss'), the capital of Hayti (q.v.), is situated on the west coast, at the head of a bay of the same name. Pop. 70,000.

Port Bannatyne

Port Bannatyne, or Kamesburgh, a village of Bute on Karnes Bay, 2 1/2 miles NNW. of Rothesay by tram. Pop. 1170."

Port Breton

Port Breton, the SE. part of New Ireland (now German), the scene in 1879 of a disastrous experiment in colonising by French Legitimists.

Port Clarence

Port Clarence, a Durham seaport, at the N. side of the mouth of the Tees, 9 miles S. of Hartlepool.

Port Darwin

Port Darwin, one of the finest harbours in Australia, on the NW. coast of the Northern Territory of South Australia. Its entrance is 2 miles wide. Palmerston, on the E. shore, 1973 miles from Adelaide, is the land terminus of the overland telegraph, and of the cable to Java, and the starting-point of a railway (1891) to the gold-fields 150 miles inland. Pop. 2600.